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       #Post#: 150--------------------------------------------------
       oh man easter's around the corner....and im not ready
       By: Sephieroth Date: March 26, 2016, 10:23 am
       yeah, easter is tomorrow. im not exactly thrilled, though; ever
       since i was 18 (i had a horribly shitty year at that age. school
       sucked, and holidays were even worse on my end), days like this
       being so close have made me nervous. my relatives are all
       christian (as far as i know), but....im not, i went my own way,
       because i knew its what would be best for me. even though mother
       went through a lot of pain when she first discovered that about
       me, i still stood my ground (if you know what i mean). of
       course, i was also kind of upset about how she felt then, but i
       figured she would get over it eventually (dont worry; she did).
       but anyways, im always afraid of how christian holidays are
       gonna go for me, cuz during the year that i was 18, they were
       all the most shitty days of the year for me. i know it sounds
       weird, but im not making this up. even though the following
       years went just fine for me, i've still been afraid that days
       like easter, christmas, etc wouldnt work out for me. and even
       though the end result was the other way around, the year they
       didnt...has had that lasting impact on me. thats why i fear
       christian holidays: cuz im afraid they wont work out for me.
       well, i guess there's not much i can do about it, either way.
       just gotta see how it goes, i guess....