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       #Post#: 151--------------------------------------------------
       my reunion: how i met mother
       By: Sephieroth Date: March 26, 2016, 2:07 pm
       for many years, i had walked alone, ever since discovering who
       my mother really was. i rebelled against everyone else in
       SOLDIER, and moved on to live my own life. because, to me, they
       were all useless. and just because i was created to help with a
       war i didnt want any part of didnt mean i had to do what was
       expected of me. escaping shinra was difficult: everyone who
       learned of my rebellion was on the hunt for me. i ended up
       having to take down everyone who tried to stop me. luckily, none
       of them were any match for me, except one of them.... his name
       was Cloud. he nearly killed me; he ended up leaving me where i
       was: on the ground, inches away from death. the only reason i
       didnt die was because he walked away from me, assuming i would
       die. i was too weak to fight anymore; too weak to get up. i was
       hemorrhaging all over. i dropped my sword, and used the little
       strength i had to roll onto my back, and then, with as much
       strength as i could, i said "Mother....i've failed you...please,
       forgive me..." i felt like i was gonna pass out any second (or
       even die), and i shut my eyes. for a short while, there was
       silence. but then, i heard a woman's voice say to me "you will
       not die like this, Sephie." then, i finally found more strength,
       and said "...! Mother? Is it really you?" then, the voice said
       "it's me, my child. and i will fix you." then, i said "Mother?"
       she just giggled a bit, then said "hold on, Sephie. first, i'll
       heal you, and give you back your strength." then, i felt myself
       being lifted up by an unseen force, and in seconds, i felt like
       i was never on the verge of death; i felt strong, and in perfect
       health. so, i slowly stood up, picking up my sword in the
       process. then, i said "Mother....how will i find you? how will i
       escape shinra without getting chased again?" then, she said
       "it'll be a while before anyone chases you again. Cloud has
       informed the others that you're dead, so you'll be ok for some
       time, anyways...." then, of course, i asked "but how much time
       do i have to escape shinra, Mother? And what about you?" then
       she said "worry about me later. you need to focus on getting the
       hell outta there first." then i said "i cant go through the main
       path. they'll find me in no time if i do. i need to take a path
       that will keep me from being seen. if i dont, i know Cloud will
       hunt me down in no time." then, mother sighed, and said "im
       afraid thats not possible, Sephie....your best choice is to fly.
       fly high enough, and you may not be noticed....hopefully. i
       still have my doubts. especially with Cloud within your
       vicinities, you have to move fast. i cant talk with you anymore;
       i sense Cloud and his buddies heading in your direction. Get out
       of there, Sephie! Now!" i didnt even hesitate; i bore my wing,
       and immediately flew up as high as i could. i was above the
       clouds, so i didnt think i'd be seen. i flew straight ahead, not
       even stopping. i was literally flying as fast as i could. for
       what seemed like an hour, i had been flying straight. i stopped,
       flying in place. i was getting very, very tired: my wing was
       starting to ache. i knew i had to rest my wing, but i also knew
       that Cloud and the others were probably on the hunt for me.
       which means that if i land at this point, im definately gonna
       get caught. but i didnt have a choice. it was either that or
       permanently damage my wing by proceeding like this. so, i flew
       carefully, and eventually landed safely in front of what seemed
       to be a cave entrance. my first thought was "i sure hope there's
       an exit through here...otherwise, Cloud will have my cornered no
       matter what. and then i'll die. but i have to try this place."
       then, i went inside the cave. of course, i moved through the
       cave as quickly as i could. thankfully, it didnt seem like a
       serious maze. after a little while, i found myself at an exit,
       and thought "oh thank god! im in luck! Mother, can you hear me?"
       then i heard her voice, and she said "i can hear you just fine,
       Sephie. Where are you?" then i said "im at the end of this
       bluish cave. i cant keep running like this, Mother. i need
       another exit. i cant keep running forever." then, she laughed
       and said "dont worry, sweetie. i'll get you to safety: where
       Cloud and the others will never find you." and then, of course,
       i said "what do you mean?" then, mother laughed some more, and
       said "you'll see. just step out of the cave, Sephie."  then, not
       really knowing what to say, i obeyed. when i was out, i gasped:
       mother was just ahead of me! i ran straight to her, hugging her,
       and crying. i said "Mother...at last...we're together..." and
       then she giggled and said to me "and we'll always be together.
       you'll see." then, suddenly, everything turned white, except for
       me and Mother. surprised, i let go of her, and soon we found
       ourselves in a beautiful, mysterious place. suddenly, i felt
       what i'd never felt before: happiness, and unity. i turned to
       mother and said "where are we? what is this place?" then she
       said "just where you wanted to go with me: the Promised Land." i
       turned to Mother, and she smiled and giggled a bit, then she
       said "they'll never find you here; dont worry. or me. we're both
       safe." i smiled at mother, then said "we're finally
       together...forever." she giggled and said "yes."
       and that was how i reunited with mother. i was finally happy.
       because i had what i wanted: her. and she was everything i