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       #Post#: 152--------------------------------------------------
       devastation: remnants of mother
       By: Sephieroth Date: March 26, 2016, 2:50 pm
       after years passed, and as years went on, i discovered that more
       and more of my brothers were being killed, to the point where i
       seemed to be all that was left of mother and her legacy. it was
       very depressing to me: my family was literally being destroyed.
       all because everyone in shinra who could fight well
       misunderstood what me and my brothers wanted, and tried to kill
       us. i escaped to safety; my brothers didnt. and...they were
       killed. i was slowly beginning to lose everything: mother, my
       brothers, and eventually, i completely lost hope. i was mother's
       only living child now. all of my siblings were killed. i knew i
       had to do something: and fast. cuz im not gonna live forever.
       and when i do die, mother's legacy will vanish without a single
       trace. and i refused to allow that. one thing i have always
       refused to do is give up on mother like that; no matter how bad
       the situation looked. i wanted to bring back mother's generation
       and legacy. so, i decided to find myself a suitable mate to help
       me have babies. i knew that was my only option; there were
       literally no other possibilities. i didnt care about the
       discomfort i knew came with pregnancy; after all, mother went
       through that to have me, so why not do it for her? so, for a
       long time now, i've struggled to find someone suitable for the
       job. i found someone a while ago, but he gave up on me, so that
       didnt get anywhere. then, not very long ago...i found out
       another of mother's children was still alive! i felt a whole lot
       better when i learned of that. for a long time, i thought i was
       all that remained of mother's legacy. but i know im not now,
       which is very uplifting. so, there's very few of us left. nearly
       all of mother's children have died. im one of the only ones
       left; and also the larvan form of Sephiroth. and im going to do
       the best i can to bring back mother's legacy and generation. i
       dont care what it takes.