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       #Post#: 153--------------------------------------------------
       devastation: our last chance
       By: Sephieroth Date: March 26, 2016, 7:29 pm
       i talked with big brother for a bit, and he said he would help
       me if i needed him to. sadly, he said he couldnt attract a
       suitable to me to help me have babies. you see, im one of
       mother's only living children, and also a female larva of
       Sephiroth. all of my brothers appear to be dead, except for one.
       which means, i may be the key (and only hope) to bring back
       mother's generation and legacy. and especially as the larva,
       thats my job. there appear to be very few of us left, from im
       seeing. this may be our last chance. if i dont have any babies,
       mother's legacy will vanish without a single trace. and none of
       us will be left. i cant allow that to happen. mother would be
       very disappointed if it did. what kind of daughter would i be if
       i disappointed my own mother? i cant even find the words to
       answer that. there are times where i drift off, and i hear
       mother's voice. but i cant tell if it's really her, or if its
       just my imagination. even though it seems so real, i cant tell
       for sure. im so devoted to mother, that i see her in my
       dreams....and feel like she's really with me. but then...i wake
       up. and the happy moment is gone. i always cry when i see her in
       my dreams and wake up....i dont know why. maybe i miss her or
       something....i just wish that i could see her like that in
       reality again. she was the only reason i managed to escape
       shinra and avoid death....if it wasnt for her, i wouldnt be
       alive right now. Cloud would've had me killed if she didnt heal
       me. and now....all that remains of her is me, and big brother.
       but i havent given up. im going to work with big brother and
       help revive mother's legacy. i'll give it all i've got. cuz,
       i've learned that sometimes bad things happen, and the only
       thing you can do about it is make the best of the current
       situation. and thats what i need to do here. i need to do it,
       for mother.... bring everything back to the way it was, when she
       ruled the planet, and all of her children were alive. "we'll
       take back this planet together...Mother." i said, thinking of
       her. then, i said "i wont disappoint you, Mother....no matter
       how hopeless it looks." and then i reached for my sword, and
       decided to move out and have some fun. im far away from shinra
       now, so i can go outside and still be safe. without anyone being
       even close to strong enough to kill me.