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       #Post#: 157--------------------------------------------------
       betrayal: mother's words to me
       By: Sephieroth Date: March 27, 2016, 10:02 pm
       ok, so i kind of have been feeling sad the past 30 minutes,
       suddenly feeling that my own brother has deserted and betrayed
       me. i literally felt like i had lost a part of me: a huge part
       of me. my only remaining brother. and now he's left me for dead,
       by the looks of things. he had betrayed his own pride: reviving
       Mother's legacy. after he'd sworn to help me whenever i needed
       him, im left like nothing ever happened. so now, that leaves
       only me: Sephiroth's larva. i just felt so broken by this, i
       couldnt stop crying. but just then, Mother appeared to me and
       said "Sephie." i instantly sat up and turned to her, saying
       "Mother..?" then, drawing slightly closer to me, she said
       "Sephie, do not give up." then i said "I don't want to,
       Mother...but, i've been betrayed by my own brother...my only
       brother that seemed to exist. and that means...im all that
       remains of you, Mother. i cant do this alone! i cant resurrect
       your legacy by myself! theres too many of them, and...only one
       of me. its just so hopeless, Mother....what am i gonna do..?"
       she remained calm, then said "Sephie, you can do it. And you
       must, whether you've been betrayed or not. Look inside you,
       Sephie. You are my daughter; and also the larva of Sephiroth.
       You are the key to the return of my children and my legacy. No
       matter how bad things get, you need to stay strong. You must not
       allow this loss to ruin your cause, no matter how much it
       hurts." then i paused and said "But Mother...he didnt just
       betray me. He betrayed you too! He betrayed his own Mother!"
       then Mother said "Sephie...i understand you have high respect
       and regard for me, as such, you punish anyone in your path who
       tarnishes my name. And i respect that about you, but there are
       times where its my job to deal with things like this, not
       yours." then i said "But Mother...i should be sticking up for
       you! Otherwise, im showing i dont care!" then Mother said "i
       respect your devotion to me, Sephie. But i think this is a time
       where its better for me to assume the job. You just continue
       searching for any of my living children, and finding a suitable
       mate for your dream, which i long to see come to life." then i
       said "But Mother!" then she said "Just trust me, child. I will
       resolve this
       myself." then i said "ok...well, if its what you want, i guess."
       then Mother seemed to smile at me, and said "even if he did
       betray me...i still have my most valued child: the larva, and
       thats you, Sephie. You're my top priority, no matter what
       happens. I'll always love you, and be beside you, Sephie. Even
       when you cant see or hear me. I'm always with you, child." then,
       i felt a lot happier, and i got up and hugged Mother, saying
       "thank you...i love you, Mother." she giggled, then said "i love
       you too, my child. just remember what i said here, ok?" then, i
       let go of her, and saw she was smiling at me, and then i said
       "ok, Mother. i wont give up on you. i never will. you were with
       me since i was born, even though i couldnt always see or hear
       you. so im gonna stay with you like that. i'll walk by your
       side, Mother. and i'll do it forever." then she smiled at me,
       and said "i should expect no less of my dearest child. farewell,
       Sephie." then, she began to vanish slowly, and reaching out to
       her, i stammered "Mother, wait!" too late; she had vanished.
       then i said, "Mother..." i knew what i had to do, but how could
       i do it? didnt matter: the fact was, Mother was betrayed. and as
       the larva of Sephiroth, it was up to me to do something about
       it. And i will.