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       #Post#: 158--------------------------------------------------
       big brother's return
       By: Sephieroth Date: March 28, 2016, 12:42 pm
       i now see why Mother had instructed me to leave things in her
       hands regarding my feelings of betrayal: because what i had felt
       was all a big misunderstanding. i had heard back from big
       brother, and i informed him of my deep larva state. he seemed
       very pleased, and of course i was too. i told him that
       Sephiroth's strength was becoming dominant in me, and it would
       be very difficult for just anyone to defeat me because of that,
       along with my expertise in swordfighting. Sephiroth's skills
       with his sword were also very dominant in me at this point, even
       though that was one of my talents when i was younger and
       underdeveloped. but it is at this point that this is even more
       so. but now that i am almost able to use Sephiroth's full
       potential, it is time for me and big brother to finally grant
       Mother's wish, and bring back her era of reign over this planet.
       Cloud Strife and his fuckin crooked family will wish they were
       never born. i will make them all so miserable, that they'll be
       helpless. The games are over: and we're going to avenge Mother.
       Once and for all.