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       #Post#: 159--------------------------------------------------
       Destiny JENOVA: The Real Enemy
       By: Sephieroth Date: March 29, 2016, 12:13 am
       for many years, Mother's generation has gradually been
       minimized. i only have one brother who seems to be alive, and
       other than that, every last child that Mother had is dead now. I
       got lucky when i was a teen and escaped thanks to BahamutSIN.
       but most of Mother's children have been killed. all because
       people are misunderstanding Mother's mission for us. its an
       ongoing struggle; and it wont end until we bring down the man
       responsible for causing such destruction to our kind: Cloud
       Strife. He is the most major threat to us as Mother's children,
       and also a major threat to Mother's legacy. we have to kill him:
       its the only way we'll make any progress without being chased,
       or worse, killed. big brother has informed me that Cloud killed
       him twice, which has me very worried about whether we can kill
       him or not. but either way. we must try: for our beloved Mother.
       she is counting on us, and we need to do our best as a result.
       we're still trying to arrange a plan to take down Cloud. i want
       to make him as helpless as possible. we both decided that the
       key to getting our way with him was to target his family. after
       all, he did target ours, did he not? he's the reason my two
       brothers died! and he almost killed me, as well. so this would
       only serve him right for trying to eradicate Mother's family and
       legacy. i will make him beg for forgiveness. especially now that
       im very deep in my larva state. that will make it a little
       easier. he'll be sorry he ever tried to stop us!