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       #Post#: 161--------------------------------------------------
       im so happy˜♪ yay˜♪♪
       By: Sephieroth Date: March 31, 2016, 10:38 pm
       you guessed it: im in love with someone. we had previously been
       together, but somehow fell out of communication. nothing went
       wrong between us; we just kind of stopped seeing each other (idk
       why, so dont ask). but now we're together again. and as you will
       see in a bit here, our deep love for each other hasnt changed a
       bit. last night when i invited him to my house, he undressed me
       and i decided to accept that, and soon after, i decided to mount
       him (i imagine you know what im saying here. im not going to be
       more explicit than that). we spent most of today together as
       well, which im pleased about. i also ended up mounting him 3
       times today as well. im hoping to do the same at least once more
       tonight, but that doesnt mean i'll be able to get to it. but
       hopefully i will. i dont even know what made me want to call on
       him, though...strange how i suddenly managed to call on him to
       be my mate. i guess i remembered how close we once were or
       something, which i can see hasnt changed at all. well, thats my
       latest: i've finally got myself a sweet, loving boy.
       #Post#: 231--------------------------------------------------
       Re: im so happy˜♪ yay˜♪♪
       By: NewGrillInTown :3 Date: April 19, 2016, 9:06 am
       Yay for you, you got a mate. Why'd you stop talking to him
       anyway? Weren't you already married and didn't you already have
       s3x? A bit confused, I am.
       #Post#: 232--------------------------------------------------
       Re: im so happy˜♪ yay˜♪♪
       By: RealPersonSRSLY Date: April 19, 2016, 6:38 pm
       Normal people usually don't talk about their sex life online you
       #Post#: 264--------------------------------------------------
       Re: im so happy˜♪ yay˜♪♪
       By: NewGrillInTown :3 Date: May 2, 2016, 8:22 am
       I don't  think she's a normal living breathing human being?
       Isn't she a crazy demon?