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       #Post#: 182--------------------------------------------------
       Kadaj Player's donkey kong country returns 3d lets play
       By: Sephieroth Date: April 11, 2016, 4:18 pm
       ok, so i have been so bored lately all ive literally been doing
       is random web surfing (dont ask, even idk why i was doing that).
       so, ive decided to stop bickering over what to do and actually
       work on something. this was just a random pick on my end, only
       because i told myself i would give myself a gaming task and
       force myself to do it (whether i want to or not). so, ive chosen
       to cycle through the main 8 worlds as fast as possible from
       scratch. i am currently in world 2, on stage 2-2 (i think thats
       what was on my screen; cant remember, even though i literally
       checked like 5 minutes ago. yeah, ive got bad memory, kek). so,
       here's what happened so far, i will list things below (note its
       not every tiny detail; just the crucial stuff):
       *finished world 1 (sometime yesterday. i got sidetracked soon
       after so thats all that happened with the progress. *sigh*)
       so, yeah...i got too sidetracked/distracted yesterday to get
       very far. but i will try to make more progress than that today,
       so i'll update you on the latest (important stuff, of course)
       from time to time throughout the day. i will try to get as far
       as possible. there were times (most notably on my last birthday,
       where my mother presented this game to me as a gift) where i had
       finished all 8 worlds in like 6 hours (i think? not certain on
       the number, but it was a 1-day finish). but that hasnt happened
       much, considering there being too many other distractions a
       majority of the time (things like babysitting and so forth).
       either way though, i will (hopefully, kek) work as fast as
       possible here. the reason i can run through so quickly is
       because i specialize in these types of games (ive played such
       ever since age 12, so ive got experience here). one genre i
       literally suck at (and quite possibly my worst) is puzzle sort
       of games, especially picross. i played pokemon picross but no
       matter how many times i reviewed the tutorial section, i just
       didnt get it at all. it was too fuckin complicated for me and i
       just erased it and gave up. thankfully though, that game was
       free and i hadnt wasted any money on it. please dont call me
       stupid for this. im just one of the few (and probably one of the
       only) people who dont understand that kind of shit, and never
       will.... -_-
       note: if anybody here is a picross master and is willing to be
       patient with me, i will be happy to have lessons from you. keep
       in mind though that i am complete rookie here, and i require the
       simplest possible explanations here. if you do not think you can
       teach me, then please remain silent, unless in the case of you
       knowing anyone who would be the perfect teacher here and has
       sufficient life experience with picross (i would prefer a
       picross veteran: at least 10 years of experience with the
       subject) to be an ideal teacher.
       anyways though back on topic, i will post updates of my progress
       within the game. so, if you wanna follow up on me here, check
       back frequently, as i work quickly with this sort of thing and
       updates will be frequent (provided there arent a million other
       things going on that i need to tend to). so....i'll get started!
       edit& important notice: once i have beaten all 8 worlds, i will
       add the final update, and this topic will be un-stickied and
       locked, since there is no point in leaving it open from there,
       as i have finished this lets play. however, i may add another
       lets play for this game in the future (most likely very similar
       to this one), but it will be added as a separate topic and i
       will probably sticky it, and like this one, un-sticky and lock
       it upon finishing the run. just wanted to make everyone aware of
       this so nobody is too surprised, if you get what im saying.
       #Post#: 183--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sephieroth's donkey kong country returns 3d lets play
       By: Sephieroth Date: April 11, 2016, 4:26 pm
       update: ok unfortunately im unable to post screenshots because
       when i save them they 'glitch' and are saved blank (completely
       white). i tried a second time and it was still blank, so i hate
       to say it but i'll need to proceed here without doing so....im
       sorry for this.
       #Post#: 184--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sephieroth's donkey kong country returns 3d lets play
       By: Sephieroth Date: April 11, 2016, 4:48 pm
       update: oh shit! i completely forgot stage 2-3 was a
       rocketbarrel stage....dont worry, though; i managed, kek^^
       #Post#: 185--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sephieroth's donkey kong country returns 3d lets play
       By: Sephieroth Date: April 11, 2016, 5:09 pm
       update: just arrived at stage 2-7! last one before the world 2
       boss stage! this is going very smoothly, as i expected. the only
       thing so far that got me by surprise was the world 2
       rocketbarrel stage, but as i said above, i managed. wasnt bad
       (pretty sure its the first rocketbarrel stage in the game,
       correct me if im wrong but pretty sure). we're actually going to
       have a world filled with mine cart and rocketbarrel stages later
       on here. im pretty sure thats world 4, btw... a lot of people
       hate world 4 because its loaded with those stages. i dont have
       any complaints, though; im pretty sure that is a world in this
       game i remember very clearly (probably cuz i, unlike most, loved
       it kek), probably better than i remember the rest, kek. its
       funny cuz i normally forget details like that, kek^^ well, i'd
       better wrap-up world 2 and continue! i'll update again once i
       do, so stay tuned!
       #Post#: 186--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sephieroth's donkey kong country returns 3d lets play
       By: Sephieroth Date: April 11, 2016, 5:24 pm
       update: just finished world 2! now to move up to world 3; one of
       my favorites. well, here i go, kek!
       #Post#: 187--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sephieroth's donkey kong country returns 3d lets play
       By: Sephieroth Date: April 11, 2016, 5:48 pm
       update: ok, im halfway through world 3 now. just a little
       further and i will be in world 4, another one of my favorites
       (and quite possibly the most hated by many...yeah, im nuts--i
       love world 4, kek). shouldnt take me much longer to finish world
       3. progress has been very smooth so far (like usual, on my end,
       anyways). well, i'll get back to work now.
       #Post#: 192--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sephieroth's donkey kong country returns 3d lets play
       By: Sephieroth Date: April 11, 2016, 8:40 pm
       update: alright, im still at the same point as mentioned above
       ^. there were a few things i had to take care of, and i also had
       to make myself my dinner. took more time (total) than i had
       expected. anyways, i will check on one last thing (hopefully
       quickly), and continue the lets play.
       #Post#: 193--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sephieroth's donkey kong country returns 3d lets play
       By: Sephieroth Date: April 11, 2016, 10:15 pm
       edit: more complications. spent more time on other things than i
       planned (again). i gotta shower before i can proceed with my
       lets play here. give me like 30mins, please..,.i apologize for
       the long wait. i will get around to it, do not worry. just give
       me another 30-60mins. i will try to continue the lets play no
       later than midnight eastern time (US). i apologize for the
       further complications here. but as i said: 12am eastern time. i
       will add another update once im back on task, and any further
       updates on game progress that i have between then and the time i
       go to bed (be aware that i was up all night with my trio last
       night, playing video games like we always do late at night, so i
       cannot promise i will have the strength to go much further than
       i currently have up to now. worst-case scenario is i go to bed
       without continuing tonight, and working on it tomorrow). just so
       you're aware of how quickly i will probably stop for the day.
       #Post#: 198--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sephieroth's donkey kong country returns 3d lets play
       By: Sephieroth Date: April 11, 2016, 11:18 pm
       update: ok, nothing is going as i'd wanted tonight at all. i
       have too many important matters to tend to on my forum at the
       current time. i will resume my lets play sometime tomorrow;
       there is too much going on at my end and ive got too many
       important things to manage at the current time for me to have
       any decent chance of resuming my playthrough of this game
       tonight. i apologize for this, as i know it is an inconvenience
       for both me and anyone who's been interested in my playthrough
       here. i will get as much done and caught up as i can between now
       and the time i go to bed. again, i apologize for this
       inconvenience. i was in no way expecting this to happen. but i
       will resume the lets play sometime tomorrow.
       Thank you for all who undetstand.
       #Post#: 203--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sephieroth's donkey kong country returns 3d lets play
       By: Sephieroth Date: April 12, 2016, 12:28 pm
       update: ok, im awake now! ive taken my mother's dog outside to
       do her business, so now i'll just make some coffee and resume my
       lets play as promised! i believe i was midway through world 3.
       if im not, then i will post an edit to correct that, k?
       alrighty, lets keep going, shall we? im gonna get as far as
       possible today! and hopefully make more progress than yesterday,
       kek. but either way, lets go! ^^
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