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       #Post#: 196--------------------------------------------------
       Video Game Support Center *important please read
       By: Sephieroth Date: April 11, 2016, 10:42 pm
       ok, so there are certain games that i have played and needed
       gameplay help with (such as moco moco friends, my most recent
       case), and discovered that there is little or no leakage on
       gameplay tips/guides/walkthroughs, etc, the general gist being
       this: a lack of knowledge (or people and knowing and not posting
       on the web, idk which cuz im not them, im me) on game details,
       other than a basic overview of the game. for now, i will discuss
       this issue for the game moco moco friends. here are my recent
       findings for this game on the subject.
       i have done numerous google searches for gameplay help on moco
       moco friends. unfortunately, all i keep finding is nothing but
       game reviews that i dont care shit about, and generally, nothing
       significant on my end, or anything even close to being relevant
       to my search. just a bunch of bullshit that has nothing to do
       with what i was trying to find. and basically, the same stuff
       over and over; just listed in a different order. but all the
       same results. i even tried rewording my search terms, but that
       didnt improve anything, either.
       what i am getting to here is this: i have learned that there are
       a number of perfectly good games out there that have little or
       no gameplay help across the web. and i would like to be someone
       to help fix that. and i will start by asking you to list games
       that you have seen the same issue with on the web: little or no
       gameplay help and so forth. here's how this is gonna work.
       i would like every member here (especially my moderators) to
       collaborate with me and everyone else here to make topics for
       gameplay help on games that do not have much attention on the
       subject everywhere else. post any and all useful hints, tips,
       and tricks for any given game that falls under the subject here.
       i will do this, as well, if i discover anything of significance
       here that could prove useful to others who play the game or are
       looking to buy the game.
       the reason i am writing this is because i want to fix this
       issue, and work with everyone else here to do it. so, here's the
       mission: if you figure something out on a game that you think
       would prove useful to others, write a topic! explain the method
       and bring awareness to it! i mean, if any forum is gonna do
       this....i want it to be no other than my own! so, lets all work
       together, and give ideas to everyone here about whatever game
       we're playing! give hints! write a guide! do whatever you think
       will benefit this cause! cuz, being a big-time gamer, thats what
       i want more than anything: for as many tips, tricks, and hints
       on a game to be leaked as possible!
       so, anybody on the same page as me here? idk why not, kek! ^_^