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       #Post#: 199--------------------------------------------------
       shit levels in super mario 3d land: mario's version of Hell reve
       By: Sephieroth Date: April 12, 2016, 12:25 am
       ok, so being somebody who did a 100% run on super mario 3d land
       earlier this year, i have come across all kinds of shit levels
       on the way. there's so many i hated, i cant possibly name them
       all, kek. one of them though that i really, really got tired of
       though was the special 2 switchboard level. yeah, i know that
       sounds pitiful, especially compared to what comes much later on
       when you do this, but its undoubtably the one i lost the most
       lives on (like 40-60, i think). but it was still a real pain in
       the ass (kek, like every special world).
       now, let me do my best to reveal to you what you will start to
       encounter in the later special worlds....be prepared: cuz its
       literally absolute hell. so, here's what will be common (and
       extremely aggravating and frustrating) in special 6 and
       beyond....get ready, kek.
       there are numerous shadow clone levels in special 6 and
       everything beyond; and get ready, cuz it gets worse. first, you
       will see normal sized shadow clones. ok, im good with that to a
       certain degree. but that doesnt last long this far into the
       game. be prepared: cuz you're about to hear what mario's version
       of Hell is. here it is....
       30-second fast time levels, giant shadow clones following and
       duplicating your every move and destroying any blocks they touch
       (this is a serious complication: it can force you to restart the
       level/repeat it, as this issue can make certain star coins
       completely inaccessible for the remainder of the entire level),
       plus tall towers that are close together and too tall to jump
       over, forcing you to loop around so the clone destroys them
       allowing you to proceed.....
       and you have to do all of this, without dying and/or taking too
       many hits, causing you to die... i mean it when i say this is
       "mario's version of Hell". its practically torture trying to
       conquer all of this. i did not at all enjoy working on these
       sort of levels. it was very, very frustrating. so, if i were to
       take my top pick here on the most annoying/impossible levels in
       super mario 3d land, it would be any and ALL of the levels that
       were like this. these levels are no joke: it takes some serious
       skill and persistence to get through this shit. and, for nearly
       everyone, its never easy. quite possibly the portion of the game
       where the struggle is very real: and certainly at its worst. its
       just so hard it practically kills all the fun (in my opinion).
       but i was very determined to 100% this game, so i kept going
       anyway. i mean, what kind of player would i be if i gave up like
       that? certainly not the player ive always been; and would
       certainly lower my gaming supremacy to all my relatives. and
       thats one thing i wont allow if i dont have to; not without a
       fight, anyways (not literally, of course; you know what i mean
       so, yeah! nintendo has revealed mario's version of hell: i have
       just told you what it is. and if you've done the game 100%, then
       you more than likely know exactly what i went through trying to
       do this. feel free to post any complaints you have about the
       overkill of these levels! i am sure to agree with any you may
       have! ^^