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       #Post#: 206--------------------------------------------------
       game night for me and my best friends #1
       By: Sephieroth Date: April 12, 2016, 2:28 pm
       a couple nights ago, we were up all night playing gh3 trying to
       see which of us could beat the impossible song, also referred to
       and listed in-game as "dont try this song" or something like
       that. we even made our own rules for this contest: the first one
       to make it all the way through would win. weelll.....im pretty
       sure you already know how that went, kek. none of us completed
       the full song. another rule we made was that all of us had to do
       it on expert: no lower. we ended up deciding that the winner
       would be the person that made the most progress through the
       song. however, the end result here was we decided to end it in a
       tie, since none of us knew which of us got the highest score. we
       all failed just past the easy intro, where the first impossible
       part is. none of us lasted very long there, kek.
       thats the kind of gamers we are: if we're bored we do this sort
       of crazy shit--try to do the impossible. even though we ended it
       in a tie, we still had a lot of fun. we were laughing and
       yelling out of joy and excitement, as this is the hardest song
       we've ever attempted on any gh game we have ever played. and
       some even believe its the world's most impossible gh song. and
       the 3 of us know very well exactly why, kek! ^^
       i named our gaming team Nythrone btw....nothing special, just
       something i decided would be cool. i know it might sound kinda
       stupid, but we gotta have a name for our team, you know? idc
       what you think of the name; the 3 of us like it! ^^ and to me,
       thats all that matters!
       the copy of gh3 wasnt mine; it was theirs. i asked them to
       bring the game recently so we could try the impossible song.
       specifically, it was Lucian's (he's the second oldest of us, im
       the youngest, and the oldest of us is Seth. they are both men,
       im a woman. but we're best friends).
       so, thats how our last gaming night went, kek....we spent hours
       doing the impossible song on gh3. none of us finished the whole
       thing, as you probably know. and we're all good enough at gh to
       do fast-paced heavy metal songs on expert with above 90%....with
       the exception of songs like this, where you're literally trying
       to go up and down the guitar controller at such an incredible
       pace, its practically impossible to hit enough of the notes to
       last long enough at all, unless you get VERY lucky (which in
       many cases is extremely rare for anyone to do). this is probably
       one of the rare scenarios where a song truly is impossible to
       100%, legit of course. no in-game cheats or anything; legit,
       without the cheats. at least, its impossible for us, kek.
       #Post#: 229--------------------------------------------------
       Re: game night for me and my best friends #1
       By: NewGrillInTown :3 Date: April 19, 2016, 8:57 am
       Y'know I don't really care about this post and didn't bother
       reading most of it but, STOP USING KEK SO MUCH IN PARTS THAT YOU
       SHOULDN'T USE IT IN.  >:(