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       #Post#: 223--------------------------------------------------
       Come on, Nintendo! Do this!
       By: Kadaj Player Date: April 14, 2016, 12:30 am
       If you're like me, then youve played nintendo badge arcade. I
       think its good and all, but i have some complaints that reduce
       my judgement to "an ok game". One of the most major issues i
       have with this game is its status as an overpriced date, if you
       get what im saying. There is a free practice catcher, but the
       daily limit on that doesnt change my judgement in the least. I
       was very disappointed with the setup of this game, as i cannot
       afford to spend pounds and pounds of dollars just to keep
       playing. I have some good altetnatives that nintendo couldve
       taken and still be able to profit enough from the game. I think
       nintendo shouldve made a separate mode in the game where you
       could play just to enjoy the fun of the game, but not earn any
       actual badges. Sort of like the practice catcher, only its a
       separate practice mode that you can play infinitely just to get
       good with the variety of the game's different crane types, not
       to earn any free plays though; just for fun or to get good at
       it. I would be really happy if nintendo even did that at this
       point, especially since im still practicing my skill with the
       explosive and hammer cranes, mainly because for whatever reason
       nintendo hasnt featured them very much in the practice catcher
       from what ive noticed.