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       #Post#: 669--------------------------------------------------
       Plugin for importing bones and animations to Blender from .anim 
       By: IvanEnzhaev Date: November 26, 2019, 7:10 am
       Hello, Guys
       I need this plugin. I want to export bone hierarchy and
       animations animations from Blender to .dae (Collada). I will
       write my 3D Engine for Resident Evil with Sockets (for coop
       mode). It will be a browser demo in pure WebGL 1.0 and
       TypeScript. I will write a server using Node.js, SocketIO, MySQL
       and TypeScript. Maybe I need to write this plugin by myself.
       But now I need a help to understand the .anim format that is
       created by RE1MV
 (HTM) http://lgt.createaforum.com/new-board-17/emdviewer-a-tool-to-edit-emd-files/.<br
       />Could someone to explain this file format?
       4 1 2 9 12
       2 3 6
       1 4
       1 5
       1 7
       1 8
       1 10
       1 11
       1 13
       1 14
       0.000 0.000 32.260
       0.000 -0.380 12.340
       0.000 0.000 0.000
       -3.320 -0.440 -3.980
       0.200 -0.200 -12.040
       0.040 -0.400 -16.160
       2.700 -0.440 -3.980
       0.020 -0.400 -12.060
       0.040 -0.200 -16.160
       -5.520 -0.700 11.500
       -1.280 -0.140 -8.440
       -1.080 0.280 -7.760
       5.300 -0.720 11.280
       1.320 0.000 -7.980
       0.880 0.260 -7.160
       -0.020 0.000 33.640
       -0.791 -0.615 0.703
       5.187 -8.615 -1.143
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.571 47.297 2.813
       72.703 -13.363 -63.385
       -25.407 23.209 -12.308
       1.670 13.011 -14.330
       -7.912 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.154 -4.220
       0.000 0.352 14.681
       -4.571 2.374 -0.176
       16.527 -7.560 -2.110
       -16.088 -1.582 -1.231
       -18.989 -17.495 0.527
       3.692 6.681 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.620
       -0.879 -0.527 0.703
       4.923 -8.791 -1.055
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.571 48.088 3.165
       74.637 -11.604 -63.473
       -25.758 22.769 -12.308
       1.846 13.099 -14.418
       -7.736 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.505 -4.308
       0.088 0.440 14.857
       -4.659 2.374 -0.176
       16.791 -7.824 -2.198
       -16.264 -1.495 -1.319
       -19.165 -17.846 0.615
       3.780 6.857 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.580
       -0.967 -0.264 0.703
       4.835 -8.879 -1.055
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.659 48.703 3.429
       76.220 -10.198 -63.560
       -26.022 22.505 -12.220
       2.022 13.187 -14.505
       -7.473 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.681 -4.396
       0.264 0.440 15.033
       -4.747 2.374 -0.264
       16.967 -8.088 -2.286
       -16.440 -1.407 -1.319
       -19.341 -18.110 0.703
       3.780 6.945 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.560
       -1.055 0.000 0.703
       4.659 -8.879 -1.055
       -6.066 8.352 -0.879
       12.659 49.231 3.604
       77.538 -8.967 -63.560
       -26.198 22.242 -12.220
       2.198 13.187 -14.505
       -7.385 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.945 -4.484
       0.352 0.440 15.121
       -4.835 2.374 -0.264
       17.143 -8.264 -2.374
       -16.615 -1.407 -1.319
       -19.429 -18.374 0.703
       3.868 7.121 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.540
       -1.055 0.176 0.703
       4.571 -8.967 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 49.670 3.780
       78.593 -8.088 -63.560
       -26.374 22.066 -12.132
       2.286 13.275 -14.593
       -7.209 -2.989 0.264
       18.110 -15.033 -4.484
       0.440 0.440 15.209
       -4.923 2.374 -0.264
       17.231 -8.352 -2.462
       -16.703 -1.319 -1.407
       -19.516 -18.549 0.791
       3.868 7.121 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.520
       -1.055 0.440 0.703
       4.484 -9.055 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 49.934 3.956
       79.297 -7.385 -63.560
       -26.462 21.890 -12.132
       2.374 13.275 -14.593
       -7.121 -2.989 0.264
       18.110 -15.121 -4.571
       0.527 0.440 15.297
       -4.923 2.374 -0.264
       17.319 -8.440 -2.462
       -16.791 -1.319 -1.407
       -19.604 -18.725 0.791
       3.956 7.209 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.520
       -0.967 0.527 0.703
       4.484 -9.055 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 50.110 4.044
       79.736 -7.033 -63.560
       -26.549 21.802 -12.132
       2.374 13.275 -14.593
       -7.121 -2.989 0.264
       18.110 -15.209 -4.571
       0.527 0.440 15.297
       -4.923 2.374 -0.264
       17.319 -8.527 -2.549
       -16.791 -1.319 -1.407
       -19.692 -18.813 0.791
       3.956 7.209 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.520
       -0.967 0.352 0.703
       4.484 -9.055 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 50.198 4.044
       80.000 -6.857 -63.560
       -26.549 21.802 -12.132
       2.374 13.275 -14.593
       -7.033 -2.989 0.264
       18.110 -15.209 -4.571
       0.527 0.440 15.297
       -4.923 2.374 -0.264
       17.407 -8.527 -2.549
       -16.791 -1.319 -1.407
       -19.692 -18.813 0.791
       3.956 7.209 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.520
       -0.967 0.000 0.703
       4.484 -9.055 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 50.198 4.044
       79.912 -6.857 -63.560
       -26.549 21.802 -12.132
       2.374 13.275 -14.593
       -7.121 -2.989 0.264
       18.110 -15.209 -4.571
       0.527 0.440 15.297
       -4.923 2.374 -0.264
       17.407 -8.527 -2.549
       -16.791 -1.319 -1.407
       -19.692 -18.813 0.791
       3.956 7.209 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.520
       -0.967 -0.879 0.703
       4.484 -9.055 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 50.110 3.956
       79.648 -7.121 -63.560
       -26.549 21.890 -12.132
       2.374 13.275 -14.593
       -7.121 -2.989 0.264
       18.110 -15.209 -4.571
       0.527 0.440 15.297
       -4.923 2.374 -0.264
       17.319 -8.527 -2.549
       -16.791 -1.319 -1.407
       -19.604 -18.725 0.791
       3.956 7.209 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.540
       -0.879 -3.341 0.791
       4.484 -8.967 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 49.934 3.956
       79.297 -7.473 -63.560
       -26.462 21.890 -12.132
       2.374 13.275 -14.593
       -7.121 -2.989 0.264
       18.110 -15.121 -4.571
       0.527 0.440 15.297
       -4.923 2.374 -0.264
       17.319 -8.440 -2.462
       -16.791 -1.319 -1.407
       -19.604 -18.725 0.791
       3.956 7.209 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.540
       -0.791 -7.473 0.791
       4.571 -8.967 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 49.758 3.868
       78.681 -7.912 -63.560
       -26.374 22.066 -12.132
       2.286 13.275 -14.593
       -7.209 -2.989 0.264
       18.110 -15.033 -4.484
       0.440 0.440 15.209
       -4.923 2.374 -0.264
       17.231 -8.352 -2.462
       -16.703 -1.319 -1.407
       -19.604 -18.549 0.791
       3.868 7.121 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.560
       -0.703 -12.044 0.879
       4.659 -8.967 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 49.495 3.692
       78.066 -8.527 -63.560
       -26.286 22.154 -12.132
       2.198 13.187 -14.593
       -7.297 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.945 -4.484
       0.440 0.440 15.121
       -4.835 2.374 -0.264
       17.143 -8.264 -2.462
       -16.615 -1.407 -1.407
       -19.516 -18.462 0.703
       3.868 7.121 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.560
       -0.615 -15.736 0.879
       4.747 -8.879 -1.055
       -6.066 8.352 -0.879
       12.659 49.143 3.604
       77.275 -9.231 -63.560
       -26.110 22.330 -12.220
       2.110 13.187 -14.505
       -7.385 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.857 -4.484
       0.352 0.440 15.121
       -4.835 2.374 -0.264
       17.055 -8.176 -2.374
       -16.527 -1.407 -1.319
       -19.429 -18.286 0.703
       3.868 7.033 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.580
       -0.615 -17.319 0.879
       4.747 -8.879 -1.055
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.659 48.791 3.429
       76.484 -10.022 -63.560
       -26.022 22.418 -12.220
       2.110 13.187 -14.505
       -7.473 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.769 -4.396
       0.264 0.440 15.033
       -4.747 2.374 -0.264
       16.967 -8.088 -2.286
       -16.440 -1.407 -1.319
       -19.341 -18.198 0.703
       3.780 7.033 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.600
       -0.615 -15.824 0.879
       4.835 -8.791 -1.055
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.659 48.440 3.341
       75.604 -10.725 -63.473
       -25.846 22.593 -12.220
       2.022 13.187 -14.505
       -7.560 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.593 -4.396
       0.264 0.352 14.945
       -4.747 2.374 -0.264
       16.879 -8.000 -2.286
       -16.352 -1.495 -1.319
       -19.253 -18.022 0.615
       3.780 6.945 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.600
       -0.615 -12.220 0.791
       4.923 -8.791 -1.055
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.571 48.088 3.165
       74.725 -11.516 -63.473
       -25.758 22.769 -12.308
       1.934 13.099 -14.418
       -7.648 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.505 -4.308
       0.176 0.352 14.857
       -4.659 2.374 -0.176
       16.791 -7.824 -2.198
       -16.264 -1.495 -1.319
       -19.253 -17.846 0.615
       3.780 6.857 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.620
       -0.615 -7.736 0.791
       5.011 -8.703 -1.055
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.571 47.736 2.989
       73.846 -12.308 -63.385
       -25.582 22.945 -12.308
       1.846 13.099 -14.418
       -7.824 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.330 -4.308
       0.088 0.352 14.769
       -4.659 2.374 -0.176
       16.703 -7.736 -2.198
       -16.176 -1.495 -1.319
       -19.165 -17.670 0.615
       3.692 6.769 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.640
       -0.703 -3.516 0.703
       5.099 -8.703 -1.143
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.571 47.473 2.901
       73.055 -13.011 -63.385
       -25.495 23.121 -12.308
       1.758 13.099 -14.330
       -7.912 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.242 -4.308
       0.000 0.352 14.681
       -4.571 2.374 -0.176
       16.615 -7.648 -2.110
       -16.088 -1.582 -1.231
       -19.077 -17.582 0.527
       3.692 6.769 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.660
       -0.703 -0.703 0.615
       5.187 -8.615 -1.143
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.571 47.121 2.813
       72.352 -13.714 -63.297
       -25.319 23.209 -12.308
       1.670 13.011 -14.330
       -8.000 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.154 -4.220
       0.000 0.352 14.681
       -4.571 2.374 -0.176
       16.527 -7.560 -2.110
       -16.000 -1.582 -1.231
       -18.989 -17.407 0.527
       3.604 6.681 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.660
       -0.703 0.176 0.615
       5.275 -8.615 -1.143
       -5.978 8.264 -0.879
       12.484 46.857 2.637
       71.736 -14.242 -63.297
       -25.231 23.385 -12.308
       1.582 13.011 -14.330
       -8.088 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.066 -4.220
       0.000 0.352 14.593
       -4.484 2.374 -0.176
       16.440 -7.385 -2.022
       -16.000 -1.582 -1.231
       -18.901 -17.231 0.527
       3.604 6.681 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.680
       -0.615 0.440 0.615
       5.275 -8.527 -1.143
       -5.978 8.264 -0.879
       12.484 46.593 2.549
       71.209 -14.769 -63.209
       -25.143 23.473 -12.396
       1.495 13.011 -14.330
       -8.176 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -13.978 -4.220
       0.000 0.352 14.505
       -4.484 2.374 -0.176
       16.352 -7.385 -2.022
       -15.912 -1.670 -1.231
       -18.901 -17.143 0.527
       3.604 6.593 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.680
       -0.615 0.088 0.615
       5.363 -8.527 -1.143
       -5.978 8.264 -0.879
       12.484 46.418 2.462
       70.769 -15.121 -63.209
       -25.055 23.560 -12.396
       1.495 13.011 -14.242
       -8.176 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -13.890 -4.132
       0.000 0.352 14.505
       -4.484 2.374 -0.176
       16.264 -7.297 -2.022
       -15.824 -1.670 -1.231
       -18.813 -17.055 0.440
       3.604 6.593 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.680
       -0.615 -0.264 0.615
       5.363 -8.527 -1.143
       -5.978 8.264 -0.879
       12.484 46.330 2.462
       70.505 -15.385 -63.209
       -25.055 23.648 -12.396
       1.495 13.011 -14.242
       -8.264 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -13.802 -4.132
       0.000 0.352 14.505
       -4.484 2.374 -0.176
       16.264 -7.209 -2.022
       -15.824 -1.670 -1.231
       -18.813 -17.055 0.440
       3.604 6.505 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.680
       -0.615 -0.440 0.615
       5.363 -8.527 -1.143
       -5.978 8.264 -0.879
       12.484 46.242 2.462
       70.418 -15.473 -63.209
       -25.055 23.648 -12.396
       1.495 13.011 -14.242
       -8.264 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -13.802 -4.132
       0.000 0.352 14.418
       -4.396 2.374 -0.176
       16.264 -7.209 -1.934
       -15.824 -1.670 -1.231
       -18.813 -16.967 0.440
       3.516 6.505 0.000
       macroScript RE1MVAS category:"RE1MV"
       tooltip:"RE1MV Animation Script..." Icon:#("Maxscript", 3)
       rollout Main_Form "RE1MVAS v0.1b" width:416 height:172
       button btn1 "Import ANI" pos:[8,8] width:128 height:24
       button btn2 "Export ANI" pos:[144,8] width:128 height:24
       button btn3 "About" pos:[280,8] width:128 height:24
       progressBar pb1 "ProgressBar" pos:[136,40] width:272 height:14
       label lbl1 "Part: 0" pos:[8,40] width:56 height:16
       label lbl2 "Frame: 0" pos:[72,40] width:56 height:16
       ---Import ANI---
       on btn1 pressed do
       ---Global Variable---
       global Part_Count
       global Part_Link_Count
       global Part_Index
       global Frame_Count
       global All_Object
       global POS_File
       ---Open File---
       POS_File = getOpenFileName types:"RE2MV ANI(*.ANI)|*.ANI|"
       if POS_File != undefined then
       --POS_File = openFile "C:\LEON.POS"
       POS_File = openFile POS_File
       ----Set Part---
       All_Object = geometry as array
       ---Part Count---
       Part_Count = readValue POS_File
       lbl1.caption = "Part: " + Part_Count as String
       ---Reset Part Angle---
       fn Reset_Part pt =
       All_Object[pt].rotation.x_rotation = 0
       All_Object[pt].rotation.y_rotation = 0
       All_Object[pt].rotation.z_rotation = 0
       ---Reset All Part Angle And Position---
       for i = 1 to Part_Count do
       Reset_Part i
       All_Object[i].pos = [0, 0, 0]
       deleteKeys All_Object[i] #allKeys
       ---Link Part---
       for i = 1 to Part_Count do
       Part_Link_Count = readValue POS_File
       for ii = 1 to Part_Link_Count do
       if Part_Link_Count > 0 then
       Part_Index = readValue POS_File
       All_Object[Part_Index +1].parent = All_Object[i]
       ---Set Part Pos---
       for i = 1 to Part_Count do
       local pos_x = readValue POS_File
       local pos_y = readValue POS_File
       local pos_z = readValue POS_File
       move All_Object[i] [pos_x, pos_y, pos_z]
       ---Rotate Part Angle---
       fn Rotate_Part pt =
       local ang_x = readValue POS_File
       local ang_y = readValue POS_File
       local ang_z = readValue POS_File
       rotate All_Object[pt] (angleaxis ang_x [1,0,0])
       rotate All_Object[pt] (angleaxis ang_z [0,0,1])
       rotate All_Object[pt] (angleaxis ang_y [0,1,0])
       ---Animate Part---
       Frame_Count = readValue POS_File
       lbl2.caption = "Frame: " + Frame_Count as String
       Frame_Count -= 1
       animationRange = interval 0 Frame_Count
       with animate on
       ---Main Body Position---
       for i = 0 to Frame_Count do
       local pos_x = readValue POS_File
       local pos_y = readValue POS_File
       local pos_z = readValue POS_File
       at time i All_Object[1].pos = [pos_x, pos_y, pos_z]
       ---Reset Angle---
       for ii = 1 to Part_Count do at time i Reset_Part ii
       ---Read Angle---
       Temp = Part_Count
       while Temp > 0 do
       at time i Rotate_Part Temp
       Temp -= 1
       pb1.value = 100.*i/Frame_Count
       sliderTime = 0
       ----Close File----
       close POS_File
       ---Export ANI---
       on btn2 pressed do
       on btn3 pressed do
       MessageBox "RE1MVAS v0.1b By Leo2236!" title: "About" beep:
       createdialog Main_Form width:416 height:62
       #Post#: 670--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Plugin for importing bones and animations to Blender from .a
       nim (RE1MV)
       By: IvanEnzhaev Date: November 26, 2019, 9:01 am
       "15" is amount of bones. But what is the next line:
       [code]4 1 2 9 12[/code]
       #Post#: 671--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Plugin for importing bones and animations to Blender from .a
       nim (RE1MV)
       By: Leo2236 Date: November 27, 2019, 3:36 am
       [quote author=Ivan Enzhaev link=topic=105.msg670#msg670
       "15" is amount of bones. But what is the next line:
       [code]4 1 2 9 12[/code]
       Hi, the next line"4 1 2 9 12" is description of attached parts
       for the first part of the model which is torso, the first
       value(4) is amount of parts that attached to the torso and the
       rest are the parts indexes.
       The next line"0" would be for the second part which is head and
       since it doesn't have any attached part to it the value amount
       equal 0...
       And so on...
       #Post#: 672--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Plugin for importing bones and animations to Blender from .a
       nim (RE1MV)
       By: IvanEnzhaev Date: November 29, 2019, 4:10 pm
       Hi, Leo
       I try to import the "CHAR11.OBJ" model to Blender. I will
       describe by steps. If I wrong say me about it. I see that body
       parts of the model are very big. I think I will have problems
       with positions of body parts that describes in the ".anim" file.
       I cannot upload screenshots on your web site. I will upload them
       on DropBox. But if I delete them from DropBox no one will see
       them here on the forum.
 (HTM) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/qi878prlt3jb3ii/import-model-to-blender-001.png
       I selected the "Torso" object and I see that it is the
       "Object_0" element because it has 56 vertices in the ".obj"
       file. The "1 2 9 12" indices are children of the "torso" bone.
       The "1" have 88 vertices and it is the head. And so on.
       I think I will to begin to write a plugin that will parse data
       from the ".anim" file.
       #Post#: 673--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Plugin for importing bones and animations to Blender from .a
       nim (RE1MV)
       By: IvanEnzhaev Date: December 5, 2019, 9:05 pm
       I will write the plugin for Blender later. Now I study skeletal
       animation realization using WebGL and TypeScript. I read this
       book: 3D Graphics for Game Programming
 (HTM) https://www.amazon.com/Graphics-Game-Programming-JungHyun-Han/dp/1439827370<br
       />and I study a code from this tutorial:
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3Cr8Yx3GGA
       #Post#: 716--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Plugin for importing bones and animations to Blender from .a
       nim (RE1MV)
       By: IvanEnzhaev Date: September 3, 2020, 8:48 am
       I understand that data after bone's hierarchy are positions of
       bones. But what does mean "25" and data after "25"?
       -0.020 0.000 33.640
       -0.791 -0.615 0.703
       5.187 -8.615 -1.143
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.571 47.297 2.813
       72.703 -13.363 -63.385
       -25.407 23.209 -12.308
       1.670 13.011 -14.330
       -7.912 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.154 -4.220
       0.000 0.352 14.681
       -4.571 2.374 -0.176
       16.527 -7.560 -2.110
       -16.088 -1.582 -1.231
       -18.989 -17.495 0.527
       3.692 6.681 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.620
       -0.879 -0.527 0.703
       4.923 -8.791 -1.055
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.571 48.088 3.165
       74.637 -11.604 -63.473
       -25.758 22.769 -12.308
       1.846 13.099 -14.418
       -7.736 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.505 -4.308
       0.088 0.440 14.857
       -4.659 2.374 -0.176
       16.791 -7.824 -2.198
       -16.264 -1.495 -1.319
       -19.165 -17.846 0.615
       3.780 6.857 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.580
       -0.967 -0.264 0.703
       4.835 -8.879 -1.055
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.659 48.703 3.429
       76.220 -10.198 -63.560
       -26.022 22.505 -12.220
       2.022 13.187 -14.505
       -7.473 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.681 -4.396
       0.264 0.440 15.033
       -4.747 2.374 -0.264
       16.967 -8.088 -2.286
       -16.440 -1.407 -1.319
       -19.341 -18.110 0.703
       3.780 6.945 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.560
       -1.055 0.000 0.703
       4.659 -8.879 -1.055
       -6.066 8.352 -0.879
       12.659 49.231 3.604
       77.538 -8.967 -63.560
       -26.198 22.242 -12.220
       2.198 13.187 -14.505
       -7.385 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.945 -4.484
       0.352 0.440 15.121
       -4.835 2.374 -0.264
       17.143 -8.264 -2.374
       -16.615 -1.407 -1.319
       -19.429 -18.374 0.703
       3.868 7.121 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.540
       -1.055 0.176 0.703
       4.571 -8.967 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 49.670 3.780
       78.593 -8.088 -63.560
       -26.374 22.066 -12.132
       2.286 13.275 -14.593
       -7.209 -2.989 0.264
       18.110 -15.033 -4.484
       0.440 0.440 15.209
       -4.923 2.374 -0.264
       17.231 -8.352 -2.462
       -16.703 -1.319 -1.407
       -19.516 -18.549 0.791
       3.868 7.121 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.520
       -1.055 0.440 0.703
       4.484 -9.055 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 49.934 3.956
       79.297 -7.385 -63.560
       -26.462 21.890 -12.132
       2.374 13.275 -14.593
       -7.121 -2.989 0.264
       18.110 -15.121 -4.571
       0.527 0.440 15.297
       -4.923 2.374 -0.264
       17.319 -8.440 -2.462
       -16.791 -1.319 -1.407
       -19.604 -18.725 0.791
       3.956 7.209 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.520
       -0.967 0.527 0.703
       4.484 -9.055 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 50.110 4.044
       79.736 -7.033 -63.560
       -26.549 21.802 -12.132
       2.374 13.275 -14.593
       -7.121 -2.989 0.264
       18.110 -15.209 -4.571
       0.527 0.440 15.297
       -4.923 2.374 -0.264
       17.319 -8.527 -2.549
       -16.791 -1.319 -1.407
       -19.692 -18.813 0.791
       3.956 7.209 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.520
       -0.967 0.352 0.703
       4.484 -9.055 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 50.198 4.044
       80.000 -6.857 -63.560
       -26.549 21.802 -12.132
       2.374 13.275 -14.593
       -7.033 -2.989 0.264
       18.110 -15.209 -4.571
       0.527 0.440 15.297
       -4.923 2.374 -0.264
       17.407 -8.527 -2.549
       -16.791 -1.319 -1.407
       -19.692 -18.813 0.791
       3.956 7.209 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.520
       -0.967 0.000 0.703
       4.484 -9.055 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 50.198 4.044
       79.912 -6.857 -63.560
       -26.549 21.802 -12.132
       2.374 13.275 -14.593
       -7.121 -2.989 0.264
       18.110 -15.209 -4.571
       0.527 0.440 15.297
       -4.923 2.374 -0.264
       17.407 -8.527 -2.549
       -16.791 -1.319 -1.407
       -19.692 -18.813 0.791
       3.956 7.209 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.520
       -0.967 -0.879 0.703
       4.484 -9.055 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 50.110 3.956
       79.648 -7.121 -63.560
       -26.549 21.890 -12.132
       2.374 13.275 -14.593
       -7.121 -2.989 0.264
       18.110 -15.209 -4.571
       0.527 0.440 15.297
       -4.923 2.374 -0.264
       17.319 -8.527 -2.549
       -16.791 -1.319 -1.407
       -19.604 -18.725 0.791
       3.956 7.209 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.540
       -0.879 -3.341 0.791
       4.484 -8.967 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 49.934 3.956
       79.297 -7.473 -63.560
       -26.462 21.890 -12.132
       2.374 13.275 -14.593
       -7.121 -2.989 0.264
       18.110 -15.121 -4.571
       0.527 0.440 15.297
       -4.923 2.374 -0.264
       17.319 -8.440 -2.462
       -16.791 -1.319 -1.407
       -19.604 -18.725 0.791
       3.956 7.209 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.540
       -0.791 -7.473 0.791
       4.571 -8.967 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 49.758 3.868
       78.681 -7.912 -63.560
       -26.374 22.066 -12.132
       2.286 13.275 -14.593
       -7.209 -2.989 0.264
       18.110 -15.033 -4.484
       0.440 0.440 15.209
       -4.923 2.374 -0.264
       17.231 -8.352 -2.462
       -16.703 -1.319 -1.407
       -19.604 -18.549 0.791
       3.868 7.121 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.560
       -0.703 -12.044 0.879
       4.659 -8.967 -1.055
       -6.066 8.440 -0.879
       12.747 49.495 3.692
       78.066 -8.527 -63.560
       -26.286 22.154 -12.132
       2.198 13.187 -14.593
       -7.297 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.945 -4.484
       0.440 0.440 15.121
       -4.835 2.374 -0.264
       17.143 -8.264 -2.462
       -16.615 -1.407 -1.407
       -19.516 -18.462 0.703
       3.868 7.121 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.560
       -0.615 -15.736 0.879
       4.747 -8.879 -1.055
       -6.066 8.352 -0.879
       12.659 49.143 3.604
       77.275 -9.231 -63.560
       -26.110 22.330 -12.220
       2.110 13.187 -14.505
       -7.385 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.857 -4.484
       0.352 0.440 15.121
       -4.835 2.374 -0.264
       17.055 -8.176 -2.374
       -16.527 -1.407 -1.319
       -19.429 -18.286 0.703
       3.868 7.033 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.580
       -0.615 -17.319 0.879
       4.747 -8.879 -1.055
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.659 48.791 3.429
       76.484 -10.022 -63.560
       -26.022 22.418 -12.220
       2.110 13.187 -14.505
       -7.473 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.769 -4.396
       0.264 0.440 15.033
       -4.747 2.374 -0.264
       16.967 -8.088 -2.286
       -16.440 -1.407 -1.319
       -19.341 -18.198 0.703
       3.780 7.033 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.600
       -0.615 -15.824 0.879
       4.835 -8.791 -1.055
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.659 48.440 3.341
       75.604 -10.725 -63.473
       -25.846 22.593 -12.220
       2.022 13.187 -14.505
       -7.560 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.593 -4.396
       0.264 0.352 14.945
       -4.747 2.374 -0.264
       16.879 -8.000 -2.286
       -16.352 -1.495 -1.319
       -19.253 -18.022 0.615
       3.780 6.945 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.600
       -0.615 -12.220 0.791
       4.923 -8.791 -1.055
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.571 48.088 3.165
       74.725 -11.516 -63.473
       -25.758 22.769 -12.308
       1.934 13.099 -14.418
       -7.648 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.505 -4.308
       0.176 0.352 14.857
       -4.659 2.374 -0.176
       16.791 -7.824 -2.198
       -16.264 -1.495 -1.319
       -19.253 -17.846 0.615
       3.780 6.857 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.620
       -0.615 -7.736 0.791
       5.011 -8.703 -1.055
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.571 47.736 2.989
       73.846 -12.308 -63.385
       -25.582 22.945 -12.308
       1.846 13.099 -14.418
       -7.824 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.330 -4.308
       0.088 0.352 14.769
       -4.659 2.374 -0.176
       16.703 -7.736 -2.198
       -16.176 -1.495 -1.319
       -19.165 -17.670 0.615
       3.692 6.769 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.640
       -0.703 -3.516 0.703
       5.099 -8.703 -1.143
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.571 47.473 2.901
       73.055 -13.011 -63.385
       -25.495 23.121 -12.308
       1.758 13.099 -14.330
       -7.912 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.242 -4.308
       0.000 0.352 14.681
       -4.571 2.374 -0.176
       16.615 -7.648 -2.110
       -16.088 -1.582 -1.231
       -19.077 -17.582 0.527
       3.692 6.769 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.660
       -0.703 -0.703 0.615
       5.187 -8.615 -1.143
       -5.978 8.352 -0.879
       12.571 47.121 2.813
       72.352 -13.714 -63.297
       -25.319 23.209 -12.308
       1.670 13.011 -14.330
       -8.000 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.154 -4.220
       0.000 0.352 14.681
       -4.571 2.374 -0.176
       16.527 -7.560 -2.110
       -16.000 -1.582 -1.231
       -18.989 -17.407 0.527
       3.604 6.681 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.660
       -0.703 0.176 0.615
       5.275 -8.615 -1.143
       -5.978 8.264 -0.879
       12.484 46.857 2.637
       71.736 -14.242 -63.297
       -25.231 23.385 -12.308
       1.582 13.011 -14.330
       -8.088 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -14.066 -4.220
       0.000 0.352 14.593
       -4.484 2.374 -0.176
       16.440 -7.385 -2.022
       -16.000 -1.582 -1.231
       -18.901 -17.231 0.527
       3.604 6.681 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.680
       -0.615 0.440 0.615
       5.275 -8.527 -1.143
       -5.978 8.264 -0.879
       12.484 46.593 2.549
       71.209 -14.769 -63.209
       -25.143 23.473 -12.396
       1.495 13.011 -14.330
       -8.176 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -13.978 -4.220
       0.000 0.352 14.505
       -4.484 2.374 -0.176
       16.352 -7.385 -2.022
       -15.912 -1.670 -1.231
       -18.901 -17.143 0.527
       3.604 6.593 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.680
       -0.615 0.088 0.615
       5.363 -8.527 -1.143
       -5.978 8.264 -0.879
       12.484 46.418 2.462
       70.769 -15.121 -63.209
       -25.055 23.560 -12.396
       1.495 13.011 -14.242
       -8.176 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -13.890 -4.132
       0.000 0.352 14.505
       -4.484 2.374 -0.176
       16.264 -7.297 -2.022
       -15.824 -1.670 -1.231
       -18.813 -17.055 0.440
       3.604 6.593 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.680
       -0.615 -0.264 0.615
       5.363 -8.527 -1.143
       -5.978 8.264 -0.879
       12.484 46.330 2.462
       70.505 -15.385 -63.209
       -25.055 23.648 -12.396
       1.495 13.011 -14.242
       -8.264 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -13.802 -4.132
       0.000 0.352 14.505
       -4.484 2.374 -0.176
       16.264 -7.209 -2.022
       -15.824 -1.670 -1.231
       -18.813 -17.055 0.440
       3.604 6.505 0.000
       -0.020 0.000 33.680
       -0.615 -0.440 0.615
       5.363 -8.527 -1.143
       -5.978 8.264 -0.879
       12.484 46.242 2.462
       70.418 -15.473 -63.209
       -25.055 23.648 -12.396
       1.495 13.011 -14.242
       -8.264 -2.989 0.352
       18.198 -13.802 -4.132
       0.000 0.352 14.418
       -4.396 2.374 -0.176
       16.264 -7.209 -1.934
       -15.824 -1.670 -1.231
       -18.813 -16.967 0.440
       3.516 6.505 0.000[/code]
       #Post#: 717--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Plugin for importing bones and animations to Blender from .a
       nim (RE1MV)
       By: IvanEnzhaev Date: September 3, 2020, 12:05 pm
       This script scales body's parts in Blender:
       import bpy
       scale = 0.1
       for i in range(16):
       bpy.data.objects["Object_" + str(i)].scale = (scale, scale,
       #Post#: 718--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Plugin for importing bones and animations to Blender from .a
       nim (RE1MV)
       By: IvanEnzhaev Date: September 3, 2020, 12:57 pm
       I want to understand how positions work. "Object_0" (torso) has
       a position (0.000 0.000 32.260) but "Object_1" (head) has a
       position (0.000 -0.380 12.340). How is it possible? Because a
       head must be higher than a torso.
       #Post#: 719--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Plugin for importing bones and animations to Blender from .a
       nim (RE1MV)
       By: IvanEnzhaev Date: September 3, 2020, 2:39 pm
       I have an idea that head's position is relative to torso
       position but I should to check it.
       #Post#: 720--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Plugin for importing bones and animations to Blender from .a
       nim (RE1MV)
       By: IvanEnzhaev Date: September 4, 2020, 1:29 am
       Yes, positions are relative to parents. I wrote a script for
       Blender that set object hierarchy and set object positions:
 (HTM) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/kj9nj0v873tv9vu/re_set_object_positions.png
       import bpy
       scale = 1
       file =
       lines = file.readlines() # get all lines
       current_file_line = 0;
       amount = int(lines[current_file_line]) # get an amount of bones
       current_file_line += 1
       # Create an array of object, scale and apply rotations
       whole_object = &#91;]
       for i in range(amount):
       whole_object.append(bpy.data.objects["Object_" + str(i) +
       whole_object[i].scale = (scale, scale, scale)
       whole_object[i].select = True
       rotation=True, scale=False)
       # Set parents
       for i in range(amount):
       line_parts = lines[current_file_line].split()
       current_file_line += 1
       bone_amount = int(line_parts[0])
       for j in range(bone_amount):
       index = int(line_parts[j+1])
       whole_object[index].parent = whole_object[i]
       # Set positions
       start_index = amount+1
       for i in range(amount):
       coords = lines[start_index + i].split()
       x = float(coords[0])
       y = float(coords[1])
       z = float(coords[2])
       print(x, y, z)
       whole_object[i].location = (x, y, z)
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