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       #Post#: 210--------------------------------------------------
       TE2MV: A tool to view 3D models...
       By: Leo2236 Date: March 3, 2015, 7:13 pm
       -TE2MV v0.1b- (TEkken 2 Model Viewer)
       [glow=blue,2,300]About: [/glow] This tool it's an viewer and
       converter for Tekken 2[PSX] 3D models of the characters. At this
       point the tool can view and export all characters except
       Kunimitsu, plus Angel and Devil have some polygons issues with
       their wings but all the other parts are fine, I'll try to fix
       those issues in the next update. Unfortenately I couldn't find
       values that are responsible for the parts positions and because
       of that parts must be viewed one by one, I'll try to fix that
       too in the future ;)
       [glow=blue,2,300]Note: [/glow]This tool must be used with Tekken
       2 BNS Extraractor v0.2b
 (HTM) http://lgt.createaforum.com/tools-39/tekken-2-bns-extraractor-a-tool-to-extract-tekken2-bns/.
       [quote=@dxp]Fixing the Normal Errors in Maya
       1) Import the .obj data as usual
       2) When imported export the mesh data as a .obj, on the export
       options uncheck save normals.
       3) Re-import your newly exported mesh and voila the normals will
       be fixed.(remember to recheck normals on the export options!!!)
       4) Profit  8)
       [glow=blue,2,300]Credit: [/glow]@kamilm122 for inspiration,
       Yusuke Kamiyamane for the icons.
 (HTM) http://i.imgur.com/NzqYCqv.png
 (HTM) http://youtu.be/Rd9p3goZY3Q
 (HTM) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzhGScKuuD56VjI0cmM5RF9LSVE][IMG]http://www.lostwindowspassword.com/images/public/download_gif.gif[/img]<br
       />TE2MV v0.1b.Zip (479.96 KB)[/URL]
       #Post#: 227--------------------------------------------------
       Re: T2MV: A tool to view 3D models...
       By: Leo2236 Date: March 8, 2015, 4:12 am
       Have more progress on 3D models UV's, Tekken 2 store character's
       texture's in one single file(from now on I'll call it TTC Tekken
       Tim Container for simplicity), so those TTC it's just a bunch of
       TIM's storing one after another they're 4bpp and 8bpp. Anyway in
       order I could use those TIM's from models UV's properly in
       OpenGL with transparency, I must convert them to 32bpp texture
       also I have to place every TIM in the right place within an
       page(256x256 32bpp) and for that purpose I wrote a small tool
       that trying to do that, the code from this tool will be used in
       T2MV since it's just a test tool. The tool open an TTC extract
       all TIM's to memory and gives a number of TIM's in TTC, then
       read all TIM's headers to get info about where one or another
       should be placed within one or another page. It also can test
       UV's by the way(last image).
       I still need to find some info like the value in UV's which say
       to polygons which page it should use, I also need to fix some
       bug/s in TIM's arranging but in any way I'll soon(maybe even
       today) will start wring T2MV, once I'll have more progress I'll
       inform you ;)
       TIM's from TTC:
 (HTM) http://i.imgur.com/ioR4Lzl.jpg
 (HTM) http://i.imgur.com/wIAuupd.jpg
 (HTM) http://i.imgur.com/am2CJoT.jpg
 (HTM) http://i.imgur.com/6KhCsd7.jpg
       UV's test:
 (HTM) http://i.imgur.com/cpxkBGu.jpg
       #Post#: 228--------------------------------------------------
       Re: T2MV: A tool to view 3D models...
       By: dxp Date: March 8, 2015, 12:46 pm
       :o Thanks for keeping everyone updated on your progress dude.
       Also loving those Jack-2 textures xD looks like it totally runs
       in a different way to how capcom created their uv maps for RE,
       which is very damn interesting to say the least.
       #Post#: 232--------------------------------------------------
       Re: T2MV: A tool to view 3D models...
       By: kamilm122 Date: March 9, 2015, 3:06 pm
       I'm so excited :D:D:D:D
       #Post#: 233--------------------------------------------------
       Re: T2MV: A tool to view 3D models...
       By: Leo2236 Date: March 9, 2015, 7:01 pm
       Eventually I've start writing the tool a couple of days ago and
       at this point tool seems to be able to open all TMC(Tekken Model
       Container) even though I haven''t try them all yet but only a
       few of them. By the way it's seems that every TMC have 3 files
       inside it the first one it's a model itself the second one seems
       to be a low polygon version of the main model and the third file
       is unknown to me right now but it definitely not the animation
       cause it too small to store all needed data even if it's
       compressed, maybe it's a header for animation!?. Anyway the next
       step now is the texturing :)
       JACK-2 part's:
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxlWxc2NgfE
       #Post#: 234--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TE2MV: A tool to view 3D models...
       By: kamilm122 Date: March 10, 2015, 5:28 am
       Really, really great job Leo! Keep it up!
       #Post#: 235--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TE2MV: A tool to view 3D models...
       By: Leo2236 Date: March 10, 2015, 12:25 pm
       Thanks I'm trying  ;)
       Have add today support for the textures, there's one small
       problem some characters appears with some issue and it needs
       fixing but I guess I'll fix that later cause I've start working
       on animations. The good news is that I've found where animations
       are store in case of JACK-2 is 087.DAT and the bad news is that
       they most likely compressed(I'm not 100% sure about that at
       least not yet) not the whole file but at least the biggest part
       of file where the actual animations probably located. The good
       thing that it's seems Tekken 2 use the same compression
       algorithms as the Tekken 1 do which is good cause last year I
       was working on small tool for Tekken 1 that at the end could
       decompress avatars 3D models from the game but the problem is
       that the tool was a bit buggy and couldn't produce 100% precise
       output data and I stop working on it before I had fixed that
       bug, anyway now I've to fix it to test it with Tekken 2 but I
       can't even remember how it was working  he he but I have too
       because it's the only way I see right now to get through the
       animations problem. So I guess I'm gonna work again on that tool
       maybe I'll fix it, we'll see I haven't really decided yet   ???
       PAUL part's:
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYrz6CuU1Hs
       Also one more thing I was searching in some files to see what
       they're containing and found this compressed image inside
       006.DAT it was splitted into four peaces 128x240 8bpp each, I
       can't remember if it was actually used in game probably not but
       then again I can't even remember the last time when I was
       playing through the whole game so maybe it was used  ???
       You can see the black line at the left-bottom corner, it's the
       bug in de-compressor I was talking about that need to be fixed.
 (HTM) http://i.imgur.com/lQoEyrD.png
       #Post#: 236--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TE2MV: A tool to view 3D models...
       By: dxp Date: March 11, 2015, 1:08 am
       After seeing these videos I am seriously considering going back,
       and re-playing this and Tekken 3 now xD haven't played on those
       in years.
       As for the image dude could be a left over from the Arcade
       version of T2. ;) nice find!
       #Post#: 237--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TE2MV: A tool to view 3D models...
       By: Abohack Date: March 11, 2015, 2:29 am
       I really appreciate your work, u are great programmer leo
       I'm going to call u Master of Game Tool Maker :)
       #Post#: 238--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TE2MV: A tool to view 3D models...
       By: kamilm122 Date: March 11, 2015, 7:31 am
       Can't wait for the animations :D
       BTW Leo, milkshape 3d [quite abandoned 3d modeler] has simple
       animation file and its documentation on the official site.
 (HTM) http://www.milkshape3d.com/
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