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       #Post#: 403--------------------------------------------------
       ITPS.ITP File 
       By: CraZyEddy2010 Date: November 19, 2015, 4:24 am
       Hi Leo. Do you have any tool for extraction the "Bio 1.5 40% PVB
       ITPS.ITP" File?
       #Post#: 404--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ITPS.ITP File 
       By: Leo2236 Date: November 20, 2015, 8:15 am
       Hi CraZyEddy2010,
       Basically ITPS.ITP it's just a TIM container, so you could use
 (HTM) http://www.datafilehost.com/d/883442b8
       to extract(use
       "File->Scan File/s" option to scan and "File->Save All As->Tim"
       to save all TIM's) or even replace(use "Edit->Replace" option)
       TIM inside it ;)
 (HTM) http://i.imgur.com/EfA4wQU.png
       #Post#: 405--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ITPS.ITP File 
       By: CraZyEddy2010 Date: November 20, 2015, 9:23 am
       Ah thanks Leo I totally forgot about that tool :D
       Greetings Dominic
       #Post#: 406--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ITPS.ITP File 
       By: Leo2236 Date: November 20, 2015, 1:54 pm
       No problems, always welcome Dominic! :)