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       #Post#: 2612--------------------------------------------------
       New to Model Trains
       By: Gatekpr2002 Date: December 10, 2020, 5:08 pm
       Hi so I bought a small ready to run set with a couple
       accessories. The polar express gateman I have hooked to an
       accessory lock with the insulated rail. My gateman comes out
       when I first power up the track for like 5 seconds and then
       returns in. My train has never moved. I go over the track with
       the train and the gateman never comes out. Is this because I
       don’t have a basic oval track? Does my left and right curves
       mess something up with the power? It works fine with the
       accessory remote. I plug that in and push down the gateman comes
       in and out just fine. Any help would be great!! I would send a
       picture but it keeps telling me upload folder full even on the
       smallest 83kb photo.
       #Post#: 2613--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New to Model Trains
       By: TrainLarry Date: December 10, 2020, 7:54 pm
       Welcome to the forum!
       It sounds like Gateman may not be hooked up properly to the
       accessory lockon and insulated track.
       Here is the owner's manual for the Gateman - go over the hookup
       instructions for your track.
 (HTM) https://www.lionelsupport.com/media/servicedocuments/7228781063250PEPAutoGateman.pdf
       The shape of your layout and curves have nothing to do with the
       operation of the Gateman.
       #Post#: 2614--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New to Model Trains
       By: Gatekpr2002 Date: December 10, 2020, 8:10 pm
       Thanks for the response Larry. I have gone over the manual
       multiple times; even though the manual contradicts Lionel
       YouTube video; one saying the break in the insulated 5inch track
       goes opposite the lock on and the other saying it should be on
       the same side as the lock on. Either way tried both and produced
       same result. When I plug in track gateman comes out, train on
       other side of track not moving, for about 5 seconds retreats
       never to be seen again until I unplug and plug back in. I mean
       it’s a jack that only goes in one way. I even returned it for a
       new one thinking it was a production error, same thing with
       replacement. I would show video if forum would let me.
       #Post#: 2618--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New to Model Trains
       By: TrainLarry Date: December 11, 2020, 10:32 am
       Which side of the lockon the breaks in the insulated rails are
       makes no operational difference. The accessory will work
       properly with both hook ups.
       There has to be some wiring problem somewhere, or else the
       Gateman was manufactured incorrectly. There should be no reason
       the accessory does not work properly if wired properly.
       You can upload a video (.mpg) file, choosing the Attach:
       function under the posting area.
       #Post#: 2664--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New to Model Trains
       By: Gatekpr2002 Date: December 22, 2020, 7:15 pm
       Hi Larry sorry for the delayed response, my wife, who is the
       ADON at a long term care facility & rehab center came down with
       covid so our concentration was on her health. Thanks to prayers
       she had a mild case and I’ve had no symptoms thus far. I have
       attached a video to show you of my simple train design with plug
       and play gateman that does not seem to work correctly. I have
       contacted Lionel still no response.  Keeps telling me file is
       too large. I’ve broke it down into (3) 30 second videos. This
       forum is pretty hard and basic to deal with. Would be happy to
       send to you via direct email.