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       #Post#: 2876--------------------------------------------------
       O-72 and O-31 swtich issues
       By: Rp Fielding Date: November 28, 2021, 2:46 pm
       Good afternoon!
       Ive been working on my layout for a few years now and I keep on
       coming up against the same issue with my switches.  Im trying to
       do a crossover from an outer race track to an inner figure
       eight.  Im using two of the same switches (O-31 right hand or
       O-31 and O-22 left hand).  When I apply power, the outer switch
       works fine, the inner switch (on figure eight) either doesn't
       light up, or starts going haywire and goes back and forth.  I
       have tried swapping around the wires, moving the switches around
       and I cant get it to work.
       For the O-72, I'm just trying a basic siding, but neither of
       them light up or just make a loud buzzing sound.
       Ive had these issues for a few years now, and I'm done just
       trying to figure it out myself and getting no where.
       Im wondering if I need more power to my layout, I have the
       insulating pins in the wrong place, I managed to get multiple
       faulty switches......any thoughts and ideas are appreciated