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       #Post#: 3036--------------------------------------------------
       Painting rusty tubular track ties
       By: kars2026at10 Date: August 19, 2023, 6:48 pm
       I will be reconditioning some old rusty O gauge track.  When the
       track in soaked in vinegar the rust is dissolved along with the
       black paint on the track ties.  The ties are bare metal subject
       to rust and just don't look right.  Does anyone have a method to
       repaint the track ties?  If I use spray paint, the paint would
       get on the track which I don't want.  I thought about putting
       paint in a shallow flat cookie sheet and dipping the track tie
       in the paint, then touching up the top of the tie with a small
       flat artist brush.  Any other ideas would be appreciated!
       #Post#: 3037--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Painting rusty tubular track ties
       By: djacobsen Date: August 24, 2023, 4:32 pm
       Hello & a belated Welcome to the Forum.
       My fix for your dilemna is to use a jar or tube of petrolium
       jelly and cover the areas you don't want painted.  When paint
       dries wipe off the vaseline. You might want to carefully wipe
       the track with alcohol to disolve any remnant vaseline.
       I've used this trick after soaking track in agricultural
       Be sure to make sure your insulating paper survives.
       l hope this helps....
       Happy Rails