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       #Post#: 397--------------------------------------------------
       transformer for #665 loco
       By: TOMGREELEY Date: November 30, 2013, 11:14 am
       PLEASE HELP!  :-\ I have acquired a model 665 Loco (unknown
       vintage) with some rolling stock and track, but no power pack.
       Will any power pack described for use with Lionel work, or do I
       need a specific model of pack? Also, the bottom plate indicates
       that I must "lubricate as per instructions." - what kind of
       lubricant and locations.
       A direct messsage or email would be great as I would like to see
       if I can get this thing going by Christmast for my grandboys.
       The set was given to my by my daughter-in-law whose father had
       it, but she never knew it, until recently.
       #Post#: 399--------------------------------------------------
       Re: transformer for #665 loco
       By: Oscalerail Date: November 30, 2013, 1:08 pm
       For maintenance, lionel makes a kit.
       For power, you should be able to use a CW-80 or equivalent.
       #Post#: 402--------------------------------------------------
       Re: transformer for #665 loco
       By: djacobsen Date: November 30, 2013, 3:18 pm
       Welcome to the Forum.
       Here are some links to help you out with your Santa Fe Hudson.
       First link gives you some history of the 665:
 (HTM) http://www.postwarlionel.com/cgi-bin/postwar?ITEM=665
       Second link gives you instructions for maintaining your Lionel
 (HTM) http://www.justtrains.com/Service/maint-main.asp
       Third link gives you  repair tips for your trains:
 (HTM) http://www.slsprr.net/technical/PopSci%20RefLibr%20No.15.pdf
       As for a transformer, just about any transformer that provides
       18 - 24 VAC. peak power should work for you.
       Amperage requirements will depend on whether you're pulling
       lighted cars with your loco and if you're trying to also power
       accessories with the same transformer.
       #Post#: 405--------------------------------------------------
       Re: transformer for #665 loco
       By: TOMGREELEY Date: November 30, 2013, 4:34 pm
       thank you all for your info. Now I can proceed. :)
       #Post#: 407--------------------------------------------------
       Re: transformer for #665 loco
       By: djacobsen Date: November 30, 2013, 4:54 pm
       I should have added that any lubricant used should be plastic
       Atlas, Bachmann, LaBelle's, Lionel all have plastic compatible
       lubricants available for your trains.
       A light oil will be required to lubricate moving parts. A gear
       grease can be used on the gears.
       an electric conductive lubricant can be applied to the pickup
       Many folks have had good results using Mobile 1 Synthetic oil &
       I haven't tried them myself so I can't verify the results.
       Make sure you clean the wheels and pickup rollers, if they're
       dirty it will effect the running of your train.
       Yes, Lionel did suggest the use of 3 in 1 oil and motor oil for
       lubricants back in the day and many folks still use them on the
       pre and post war Lionel trains, but for cautions sake, I suggest
       using modern lubricants.
       I should have included this link on "How to Operate Lionel
       Trains & Accessories:
 (HTM) http://www.slsprr.net/history/1954LionelTrainsAccess.pdf