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       #Post#: 453--------------------------------------------------
       027 switch problem
       By: joe grits Date: December 21, 2013, 5:02 pm
       I had a pair of black, metal based, electric 027 mid-50's
       switches for my 1947 Lionel set. After many years of use,  the
       locomotive would stall out every time it passed over either
       switch. Every car with power (whistle tender, lighted caboose,
       etc.) would spark as it passed over the switch if I cranked
       enough power through the transformer to give the locomotive
       enough momentum to clear the switch without stalling. I replaced
       the switches with a pair of modern Lionel electric (brown
       plastic base, un-lighted) ones and have the exact same problem.
       The switches function as they should otherwise.
       I've got the plastic track pins installed per the instructions
       and have no clue what my problem is. Other than at the switches
       the train runs great. Any ideas?
       Thanks in advance.
       Joe Grits
       #Post#: 454--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 027 switch problem
       By: TrainLarry Date: December 21, 2013, 6:19 pm
       Welcome to the forum. First, does your train slow down as it
       approaches the switches? If it does, you have a power drop in
       the area and you need to add lockons to distribute power evenly.
       If power distribution is not a problem, take your lighted
       caboose alone and roll it slowly over the switches. Does it lose
       power when going through the switches? All train wheels will
       spark a little as they roll over the switches due to the wheels
       completing the anti-derail circuit. Make sure the roller pickup
       is not shorting to the curved swivel rail also. Let us know your
       #Post#: 458--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 027 switch problem
       By: joe grits Date: December 22, 2013, 8:32 am
       Larry -
       I did as suggested. The caboose lights flicker off over both
       swithches and I hear a buzzing sound as it crosses the switch. I
       see some sparking from the wheels as they approach the next
       track connection. I think I have plenty of lockons. The layout
       is only a 4' x 8' oval with a pass through from end to end. I
       have 3 lockons installed already to try to overcome the power
       loss I'm experiencing at the switches. There are two, one on
       either side of the far switch about 8' from the transformer and
       one about a foot from the transformer.
       The train doesn't slow down as it approaches the switches, it
       just quits right at the switch unless I accelerate enough for it
       to clear the dead spot. What do you think?
       #Post#: 459--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 027 switch problem
       By: TrainLarry Date: December 22, 2013, 12:10 pm
       The buzzing sound as trains cross the switch is caused when the
       train wheels bridge the insulated switch rail and energize the
       switch coil. This is the anti-derail feature of these switches
       and is normal. If the caboose light goes off when its roller is
       on the fat center rail, or the other middle rails, there may be
       a bad connection internally. You need to determine exactly where
       you lose power, on the straight portion or curved portion, or
       both. On the straight portion, you may lose power either on the
       fat center rail, or the other normal center rail. A quick fix
       would be to add 3 lockons; one on each track connected to the