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       #Post#: 765--------------------------------------------------
       NEED HELP: Any professional's that build a Child's model train s
       By: sdoglesby86 Date: November 15, 2014, 2:09 pm
       I honestly am not for sure if I am in the right place or
       not..... But, I just thought that I would inquire.
       I am interested in purchasing and/or building a train set for my
       nephew. I know nothing about trains, or what may even be needed
       to go into this type of project. I was envisioning the type of
       set you typically see in the movies..... an actual locomotive
       train set that runs on a track, preferably mounted on the wall,
       that would go around his bedroom. I was really hoping for advice
       on any professionals that do this type of work? I am willing to
       pay for this service, but am just clueless on where and how to
       get started, who to contact, the type of train that would be
       best, etc.
       Please help! Any tips and/or suggestions would greatly be
       #Post#: 767--------------------------------------------------
       Re: NEED HELP: Any professional's that build a Child's model tra
       in set?
       By: TrainLarry Date: November 15, 2014, 4:33 pm
       You are definitely in the right place for your inquiry.
       The first step is to find a starter set that has everything
       needed to get up and running. This is the easiest way to go.
       Lionel has many starter sets.
 (HTM) http://www.lionel.com/Products/Finder/SearchResults.cfm?doAction=Browse&CategoryID=37
 (HTM) http://www.lionel.com/Products/Finder/SearchResults.cfm?doAction=Browse&CategoryID=37<br
       />The LionChief sets are remote controlled, with many features.
       Set up the trains on a table, or even the floor to familiarize
       yourself with them and their operation. You can purchase more
 (HTM) http://www.lionel.com/Products/Finder/SearchResults.cfm?doAction=Browse&CategoryID=528
 (HTM) http://www.lionel.com/Products/Finder/SearchResults.cfm?doAction=Browse&CategoryID=528<br
       />and accessories
 (HTM) http://www.lionel.com/Products/Finder/SearchResults.cfm?doAction=Browse&CategoryID=39
 (HTM) http://www.lionel.com/Products/Finder/SearchResults.cfm?doAction=Browse&CategoryID=39<br
       />to enhance and enlarge your layout.
       Contact a contractor to discuss your desire to make a shelf
       layout along the walls. Show them the set to get basic
       dimensions of the track and leave extra width for trackside
       accessories if you want.
       Once the shelf is built, lay the track, add the power, hook up
       the trains, and you are all set.
       #Post#: 770--------------------------------------------------
       Re: NEED HELP: Any professional's that build a Child's model tra
       in set?
       By: sdoglesby86 Date: November 17, 2014, 1:13 am
       Thank you so very much!!! Very helpful :)
       #Post#: 771--------------------------------------------------
       Re: NEED HELP: Any professional's that build a Child's model tra
       in set?
       By: TrainLarry Date: November 17, 2014, 2:20 pm
       You're welcome. Keep us updated here on your progress.