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       #Post#: 847--------------------------------------------------
       FasTrack radii
       By: TrainsForOwen Date: December 11, 2014, 4:19 pm
       I cannot seem to get a definitive answer on this.  I am
       currently designing a shelf mounted track for my son's room and
       this is my first foray into model trains.  I've learned that
       many sets come with O-36 FasTrack.  I was told that this would
       create a 90 degree curve with a radius of 18" and an overall
       diameter of 36".  However, how is this measured?  Is it to the
       center of the track (middle rail)?  the outside rail?  inside
       rail?  or the inside/outside of the track bed (plastic)?
       Several website say outside rail and several say middle rail.  I
       would assume it would be to the middle rail (assuming it is
       centered in the overall piece of track).  In designing the track
       layout, I'd like to keep the train track the same distance from
       the edge of the shelf all the way around the room.  Assuming
       wrong would have several implications:  1.  In the corners of
       the room, the train track would either move closer or further
       from the edge of the shelf than the rest of the room.  2.  It
       could cause the train to hit the wall as it rounds a corner
       either causing damage to the wall, the train, or both.
       As a follow up to this question.  Using an O-gauge train set
       (example, Polar express set, SKU: 6-30218), what is the width of
       the train?  Also, when the train enters a corner, what kind of
       clearance does it need so it doesn't hit the wall?  Will the
       train go out past the plastic rail bed as it goes around the
       Thanks for the help in advance!
       #Post#: 848--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FasTrack radii
       By: djacobsen Date: December 11, 2014, 5:38 pm
       Hello & Welcome to the Forum!
       Track is measured to the center, between the two outside rails.
       Using O-36 FasTrack, you add 2 inches to the radius to
       accommodate the rail bed.
       ex: a circle of O-36 FasTrack has a 40 inch foot print.
       The Polar Express Passenger cars appear to slightly overhang the
       rail bed,
       so an extra inch on each side of the rail bed should give plenty
       Here's a video that shows a P.E. operating on FasTrack.
 (HTM) http://youtu.be/bHz1JNHP8YI
       Happy Rails!
       #Post#: 849--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FasTrack radii
       By: TrainsForOwen Date: December 11, 2014, 8:37 pm
       Thanks!  That helps a lot!  However that brought up another
       question. What is the overall width of the Lionel FasTrack?
       I've read that the width of the track bed is 3.5" inches.
       Therefore, there is 1.125" then a rail to rail width (inside to
       outside rail) of 1.25" and then another 1.125".   So in the
       above example, I'd have to plan about an overall 5.5" width, 3.5
       for the track and 1" on each side for cushion.
       #Post#: 850--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FasTrack radii
       By: TrainLarry Date: December 12, 2014, 1:55 am
       The way to design your layout would be to get a train set of
       your liking, assemble it on the floor, and take the measurements
       that you need.
       #Post#: 852--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FasTrack radii
       By: TrainsForOwen Date: December 12, 2014, 11:17 am
       Thanks everyone for the quick responses.
       Maybe I'm over planning it but when I order the set, I want to
       order all the additional track I need.  I would like it to look
       uniform (same distance from the edge of the shelf) going all the
       way around the wall so measuring out the widths of the track and
       cushion, I think, would be important.
       Has anyone made a shelf layout where you mount the shelf about
       10" or so from the ceiling?  Is that a decent distance from the
       ceiling?  Also, how far from the edge of the shelf do you mount
       the track?  0.5"? 1.0"?
       My current design has a 6.5" shelf (and in order from the wall
       towards the center of the room) where:
       0.5" is a LED rope light
       1.5" cushion
       3.5" Fastrack
       1.0" cushion
       Or would it make more sense to have the train closer to the edge
       of the shelf, say 0.5" cushion (replacing the last 1.0" cushion,
       or the edge closer to the center of the room)?
       I'm going to put together a YouTube video of the install and
       complete project and will post it once I'm done.  (It may be in
       the new year!)
       Many thanks!