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       #Post#: 892--------------------------------------------------
       Loco stalling when crossing 022 switches
       By: donbara Date: December 20, 2014, 1:38 pm
       I have ben having problem with my locomotives e units switching
       to neutral when they cross my 022 switches.  I have tried
       cleaning the wheels and pick us, made sure the insulating pins
       are in the proper position, and I know it isn't  problem with
       just one locomotive as I have the same problem with all three.
       I am running track voltage and have 6 pairs of 022 switches on
       the layout.  Any and all help would be appreciated.  Thanks
       Don Bara
       #Post#: 893--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Loco stalling when crossing 022 switches
       By: TrainLarry Date: December 20, 2014, 8:07 pm
       Welcome to the forum!
       A few quick questions to start with.
       Do all your locos exhibit the same problem on all your switches,
       or just some/one?
       Have you cleaned the track and the switches also? Use hardware
       store naphtha to clean track/switches/wheels/rollers.
       If you have a voltmeter, check for proper voltage along the
       entire length of the center rails of the switches.
       If you do not have a voltmeter, but have a lighted car, roll it
       slowly by hand over the switches and see if the light goes out
       at any spot on the switches. You can expect a loss of power as
       you traverse the gap between the wide center rail, and the
       normal rails. If your locomotives have 2 roller pickups, it
       could be possible that only 1 is receiving power, and as you
       traverse the gap, the locomotive will lose power and stop.
       Next, run a locomotive alone through the switches very slowly
       until it stops. Turn off the power and get your head down on the
       rails with a flashlight in hand and physically observe exactly
       where the locomotive stopped, and the relation of pickup rollers
       to the rails. Some locomotives have very wide pickup rollers,
       and when going through the switches, the rollers bridge the
       center rail to the swivel rail and short out, cutting power and
       putting the locomotive in neutral.
       Run these tests, and see what results you get.
       #Post#: 894--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Loco stalling when crossing 022 switches
       By: donbara Date: December 21, 2014, 5:22 am
       The problem is with all three locos, one prewar, two post wars,
       when testing with my volt meter what is the proper procedure for
       testing center rail voltage through the switch?  I tried the
       lighted car method and don't really see where the lights go out,
       this is problem that just came up recently to all the switches,
       prior to that everything was fine, so I don't believe it is a
       pick up issue.
       #Post#: 895--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Loco stalling when crossing 022 switches
       By: TrainLarry Date: December 21, 2014, 8:16 am
       To test the voltage on the switches, set your meter to read AC
       volts, and put one lead on the center rails, and the other lead
       goes to the outside rails that do NOT have the insulated pins in
       These rails are the ground connection.
       One rail would be the entire straight outside rail nearest the
       switch machine, and another would be the curved outside rail
       JUST OPPOSITE the switch machine.
       The curved outside rail WITHOUT the insulating pin is also
       Lastly, the swivel points are also ground.
       Turn up the power and measure the voltage at the transformer
       terminals, the lockon, and on the switches at the described
       The voltage readings should be the same, or within a volt
       difference. Any larger variation of voltage at any point needs
       to be investigated and corrected.
       If your lighted car did not exhibit any problem on both the
       straight and curved paths of the switch, chances are the
       switches are receiving voltage properly. Check the voltages
       anyway, to insure you do not have any voltage drops anywhere.
       When finished checking the voltages, run a locomotive slowly
       until it stops, and report back exactly where it stopped. Upload
       a picture of it if possible.
       #Post#: 896--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Loco stalling when crossing 022 switches
       By: donbara Date: December 21, 2014, 8:54 am
       All voltages checked OK when I ran the loco over the switch and
       watched where it stopped I realized the rear pick up roller is
       not making goid contact as it is badly worn.  Is it possible to
       replace just the roller, as I have several lighted cars not in
       use.  Thanks don
       PS could not get photo to upload, said folder was full contact
       #Post#: 897--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Loco stalling when crossing 022 switches
       By: Conductor Date: December 21, 2014, 11:54 am
       Welcome Donbara,
       Try uploading one more time.  I deleted several giant photos to
       create space.   :)
       #Post#: 898--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Loco stalling when crossing 022 switches
       By: donbara Date: December 21, 2014, 12:21 pm
       Here is a photo of the roller pick up
       [attachment deleted by admin]
       #Post#: 899--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Loco stalling when crossing 022 switches
       By: TrainLarry Date: December 21, 2014, 3:35 pm
       Glad you found the problem.
       What is the number of the locomotive? All rollers are not
       created equal, and the correct one must be used. Roller sizes
       vary, as does the mounting method.
       There are 2 different rollers that mount in similar roller arm
       assemblies, one that has the roller and pivot as one piece, and
       the other roller that revolves around a separate pin that gets
       clinched over on one end.
       Which roller do you have on your loco? The picture is not clear
       enough to see that detail.
       #Post#: 901--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Loco stalling when crossing 022 switches
       By: donbara Date: December 21, 2014, 10:40 pm
       It is a 665, Hudson I believe my father recieved it for
       christmas in 1958, i believe it is the second type pf roller you
       described with the independent pin that the roller slides on.  A
       part number for a replacement would br a great help!
       #Post#: 902--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Loco stalling when crossing 022 switches
       By: TrainLarry Date: December 21, 2014, 11:09 pm
       The roller is part #2035-140, and the roller pin is #2036-124.
       The entire roller bracket with the roller installed (easier to
       replace) is #2035-142.
       Parts are available online from Brasseur.
 (HTM) http://www.traindoctor.com/service/lionel/1600to2100.php
 (HTM) http://www.traindoctor.com/service/lionel/1600to2100.php