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       #Post#: 916--------------------------------------------------
       Terminal section light blinking
       By: Elahrairah Date: January 1, 2015, 11:15 am
       Hello.  Just got a Polar Express set for my boy.   Hooked it all
       up and everything was working fine.  This morning, nothing is
       working.  I notice the red LED on the terminal section is
       blinking.   What does this mean?
       I assume this means there is something wrong with the plug
       converter, but is that so?
       #Post#: 919--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Terminal section light blinking
       By: TrainLarry Date: January 1, 2015, 2:30 pm
       Welcome to the forum!
       Remove all trains from the track , unplug the wall pack, plug it
       back in and observe if the light, still blinks. If it does,
       disconnect the terminal track from the rest of the track, and
       power it up alone. If the light does not blink, add one section
       of track at a time until the red light blinks. The last one you
       install that causes the light to blink is bad. Return for
       exchange if it is new.
       If the light blinks with the terminal track alone, the terminal
       track may be bad. Return for exchange if it is new.
       #Post#: 947--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Terminal section light blinking
       By: Elahrairah Date: January 6, 2015, 4:18 pm
       Thanks for the help.  I found it.   I was using the micro binder
       clips to help hold the pieces together and I didn't realize that
       one of the 1/4" turns had a "short" on the outside rails behind
       it that the clip was touching (which also touches the inside
       rail nub).   It must have been bumped overnight.  I put some
       electrical tape on it and all is well now.
       By the way, I recommend these clips very much as I don't want to
       screw the track down, so I clip them together and they won't
       come apart.  Must use the micro size though or it won't fit
       (also must make sure they aren't touching the ground rails).
 (HTM) http://www.staples.com/Staples-reg-Micro-Metal-Binder-Clips-Black-1-2-Size-with-1-8-Capacity/product_614400