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       #Post#: 1149--------------------------------------------------
       Just another ignorant newbie
       By: bell_d Date: October 22, 2015, 3:10 pm
       Hello everyone! Sorry if my posts get long (and I do mean
       looooooong), I tend to over-explain myself... a lot. Anyway, I
       kind of need some help. A few years ago, my mother gave me a
       Lionel General (1862) that she heavily hinted at wanting to see
       run again. The train and cars have been heavily neglected, so
       I'm going to be sending it off for a good cleaning and (for now)
       minor cosmetic repairs, just the minimum to get it up and
       running and looking decent. However, I've been trying to
       research this thing for a couple weeks now, but I'm reading from
       sites that contradict each other. I was told it was made for O
       track. Then I read that it was actually made O27. Then I read it
       can run on O and O27 track. Then I see in the Brasseur's website
       so many accessories that I get more and more confused. I am 100%
       new, and have only seen trains running only a few times in my
       life, even though I have entertained the idea of building my own
       layout myself when I was younger.
       I want to start off with a small loop, so it can run around my
       mom's Christmas tree and because it seems to be preferred when
       starting out, as it's easy to troubleshoot issues. But I know
       almost nothing about all this. So I was wondering if someone
       could point me to the right direction, please? I read some
       newbie guides, but all they explain are things from differences
       in track gauges, the difference between pre-war, post-war and
       more modern sets, adding grades and the like. I'm really wanting
       to know what is the minimum items I need (as far as the track is
       concerned) to get this thing running while on an extremely tight
       budget?  Are there any "kits" available that would have
       everything I need (track that would run a loop, transformer,
       etc)? What is the smallest that the loop of track can be that
       will allow the train to safely run without derailing when
       running at full speed? What power transformer would I need? I am
       looking to expand, but upgrading transformers and track can come
       later. Thanks for any and all info and advice.
       #Post#: 1150--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Just another ignorant newbie
       By: djacobsen Date: October 24, 2015, 7:48 am
       Hello and Welcome to the Forum!
       What a nice locomotive to start with! I agree with your Mothers'
       hint about seeing it run again.
 (HTM) http://www.postwarlionel.com/images/1862a.jpg
       Click these link's for info about your locomotive.
 (HTM) http://www.tandem-associates.com/lionel/lionel_trains_1862_loco.htm
 (HTM) http://www.postwarlionel.com/cgi-bin/postwar?ITEM=1862
       The 1862 locomotive was issued with O27 set's,  first released
       in the #1800 the General Frontier Pack in 1959.
       It will run on O track as well as O27.  Originally it would have
       came with tubular track. It would be your choice to go with the
       original track or  modern track.   A used transformer should
       serve your purpose,  I'm not sure where you're located or if you
       have a local hobby shop available.  If you do have a LHS check
       with them for used track and transformers, also check
       Craigslist, local papers, etc.  I don't recommend ebay or other
       online auction sites, the shipping/handling may make the used
       items cost as much or more than new.
       Many people buy starter sets, then replace/upgrade the
       track/transformers that came with the sets, so keep your eyes
       open for them.
       IF you have difficulty locating used track or transformer,
       contact me at the email address listed in my profile.
       Happy Rails!
       #Post#: 1154--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Just another ignorant newbie
       By: bell_d Date: October 28, 2015, 3:00 pm
       Thank you so much! It's actually exciting to actually see the
       box and learn about the origins of the set. I wouldn't mind if I
       were able to get my hands on the original owner's manual, even
       if it were a photocopy. Maybe someday. Anyway, I recently sent
       the train and cars off to Brasseur Electric Trains in Michigan
       (I'm actually in the state of Ohio) to be serviced. I hope it
       comes out looking as good as in the picture you posted. But,
       while looking around the Lionel site and other sites, I came
       across things I had questions about as well. The first is
       "Fastrack". What exactly is that? The second is track labeled
       "O72" and similar numbers. What do those numbers mean?
       #Post#: 1165--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Just another ignorant newbie
       By: TrainLarry Date: November 12, 2015, 1:55 pm
       Welcome to the forum.
       Fastrack is a track system by Lionel that incorporates a molded
       roadbed and ballast. It looks  more realistic than the old style
       tubular track.
       '072' and other similar designations refer to the diameter of a
       circle that the track makes, ie. '027','031', '072' etc.