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       #Post#: 1228--------------------------------------------------
       Power Issues - Please help!
       By: Gibson66 Date: December 25, 2015, 12:21 pm
       Hey All,
       So I purchased the 10th Anniversary Polar Express diesel train
       (O-Gauge) and when we initially pulled it out and put togetber,
       seemed to work fine.  However, there was a few times I'd give it
       power, and the train would not move, only make the sounds and
       lights.  Then other's the train would move, but no lights.  Now
       it's losing power to the sounds and lights on select pieces of
       the track.
       I have checked all track pieces, they are in place and secure.
       I checked the connections from the track to the transformer and
       they are correctly linked to the "A" and "U" locations as
       directed by the manual.  I'm at a loss, nothing seems to be
       amiss.  Could they have bad pieces of track? Am I not getting
       the right ampage from my outlet? Any ideas and guidance very
       much appreciated.  My kid is bummed naturally and hoping to find
       a resolution.
       Thanks in advance!!
       #Post#: 1229--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Power Issues - Please help!
       By: chessie41 Date: December 25, 2015, 2:51 pm
       If you are using lionel fastrak. Bend the center pin inward on
       the center rail sounds like track not making good connection and
       use a ohm meter put it on ohms check center rail between track
       joints if you get a reading its good if not then you need to
       bend center pin.
       #Post#: 1230--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Power Issues - Please help!
       By: mrazor Date: December 27, 2015, 6:24 pm
       I fought this issue forever.   Went to Fastrack because I was
       hoping for a more dependable connection.  Talked with others and
       most have few problems.  I have cleaned all the track, bent the
       center pin, crimped the track and still have problems.  Also,
       have two bumper tracks that will light up when they feel like it
       or flicker.  Don't know what to do.
       #Post#: 1234--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Power Issues - Please help!
       By: chessie41 Date: December 29, 2015, 9:57 pm
       I would put feeder wires every 3 feet and don't crimp rail. I
       did that does not work very well. Your better to bend the center
       pins and also lionel been having trouble with lighted fastrack
       bumpers if you haven't joined this site alot of info and also
       doing HO as well
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