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       #Post#: 1239--------------------------------------------------
       Lionel Locomotives:  Diesel or Steam
       By: LeftyPJB Date: December 31, 2015, 10:35 am
       Not sure if this is a "valid" question, but figured I'd ask to
       get some input. Is there a difference between Lionel's steam
       locomotives versus their diesel locomotives (i.e., does one pull
       more weight in cars than the other? does one's motors last
       longer? etc.)? Or, is it purely taste (i.e., one liking the look
       of the steam locomotive over diesel or vice-versa)? Thank you.
       #Post#: 1281--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Lionel Locomotives:  Diesel or Steam
       By: pjdog350 Date: March 20, 2016, 12:06 pm
       I think it's mostly just what you perfer. I'm a steam locomotive
       guy. I think because of my age. I was born in 1941. Steam was
       the motive power of the day. When I was a little kid in New
       Jersey I would go two blocks away and sit on the bridge and
       watch steam locomotives pull there loads. Sure was impressive!
       I can remember two Pacifics pulling together work very long
       trains. Was great!