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       #Post#: 1367--------------------------------------------------
       More Power!
       By: Deuce5150 Date: October 19, 2016, 9:45 am
       I'm new to the forum and am excited to learn from everyone here.
       Of course, I have a bunch of questions for all the experts that
       I was hoping you all would be able to help me out with.
       I've had a Lionel set for years that I got as a kid.  I put many
       smiling miles on it and have managed to hold onto it all these
       years.  Now, after sitting dormant for ages, I set it up to show
       my son.  He is fascinated and, naturally, wants more!  I'm happy
       to indulge.
       The set I have is this
 (HTM) http://www.collector-modeltrains.com/dash/universe/catalog_item/MT-0770591/
 (HTM) http://www.collector-modeltrains.com/dash/universe/catalog_item/MT-0770591/.<br
       /> It is in good working order.  I also have about half a dozen
       cars that my dad has held onto since he was a kid.  I remember
       from back in the day that my locomotive had no trouble pulling
       the light plastic cars that came with the Micro Racers set, but
       struggled mightily if I tried pulling more than a couple of the
       older metal cars.
       My question is this: What would you recommend as a stronger
       locomotive that has a little more shove to pull heavier trains?
       I, of course, don't want to break the bank and have no
       preference of new or used.  I don't need to pull five mile
       trains and my layout will likely never exceed a the 4'x8' sheet
       of plywood setup I got from my dad.
       The research I've done is a bit overwhelming with all the
       prewar, postwar, modern, etc.
       I'm more interested in steam locomotives.  I don't need anything
       super fancy.  Smoke would be nice, but not a deal breaker.
       Thanks in advance!  I feel like I'm 12 again.
       #Post#: 1369--------------------------------------------------
       Re: More Power!
       By: djacobsen Date: October 19, 2016, 3:00 pm
       Hello & Welcome to the Forum!
       Doesn't it feel good to get out that train, smell the ozone,
       hearing the wheels go clickity clack,
       as she goes roundy round...
       I would suggest a Post War 2046 4-6-4 Hudson, to replace the
       Scout type switcher in your set.
       They can be found very reasonably in good condition and will
       pull enough cars to make you happy.
       Should be able to find one priced $100+/- area, maybe even
       There are other locomotives available, but for the money, the
       Hudson is a good choice.
       You will be able to use your transformer with it, instead of
       having to upgrade to a modern Transformer
       Happy Rails!
       #Post#: 1370--------------------------------------------------
       Re: More Power!
       By: Deuce5150 Date: October 19, 2016, 9:55 pm
       That sounds perfect.  I was scouting online and ran into a
       couple of those.  I thank you for the advice.
       Of course while I was scouting I found a bunch of very cool
       stuff.  Out of curiosity - how many drive wheels are too many
       for O27 curves?
       I dug through the box and found my old 1989 Lionel catalog.
       Once again I found myself drooling over the Pennsylvania
       Railroad S-2 #6200 I lusted over as a kid.  Far too large and
       expensive for what I'm looking for now.  Perhaps someday if I
       keep falling down this very enjoyable rabbit hole...
       #Post#: 1371--------------------------------------------------
       Re: More Power!
       By: djacobsen Date: October 20, 2016, 7:40 am
       How many drive wheels are too many for O27 curves?
       It will depend on how many of the drive wheels have flanges.
       With x-6-x, x-8-x etc drive wheel arrangements, the inner drive
       wheels are usually what are called Blind Drivers.
       They lack a flange, which keeps the inner drive wheels from
       binding while going around a tight curve.
       You will want to go with larger curves with larger locomotives,
       but with the Hudson type locomotive, you can run it on the O27
       curves. Just make sure you run the locomotive pointed in both
       directions to equalize track and wheel wear.
       Happy Rails!