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       #Post#: 1628--------------------------------------------------
       022 Switch TroubleShootin
       By: GreenWolf Date: August 27, 2017, 5:44 pm
       I recently purchased two great looking, used Lionel 022
       Both have the same issue, when I hit the remote switch, they
       both activate well enough, but do not move the tracks far
       In other other words, the tracks switch, but I still need to
       move them the last quarter centimeter to get them moved all the
       I can off course manually turn the lamp to get them to move as
       I tested both in different parts of the track and they both
       suffer the same issue.
       Any ideas?
       #Post#: 1629--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 022 Switch TroubleShootin
       By: TrainLarry Date: August 28, 2017, 11:55 am
       Welcome to the forum!
       Are you using track power for the switches? If so, use the fixed
       voltage plug and power the switches with a higher voltage than
       your track is getting. Usually 14 volts should get the switches
       to operate properly.
       #Post#: 1630--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 022 Switch TroubleShootin
       By: GreenWolf Date: August 29, 2017, 4:20 pm
       Thank you for your response.
       I have this guy supplying the power
 (HTM) https://www.terapeak.com/worth/vintage-louis-marx-transformer-power-supply-model-1249/182018725420/
       That is likely my issue then right?
       I did have a question, and forgive my ignorance. When it
       diagrams how to directly rig the switch to the transformer,
       instead of track powering it, what the heck wiring do you put in
       the fixed voltage plug?
       "To make fixed voltage connec- tions, the O22 switch is provided
       with a fixed voltage plug which fits into a socket located on
       the side of the switch box. Connect a wire from the fixed
       voltage plug to the prop- er transformer binding post."
       I have the pieces, just have no idea what wired I should put in.
       Is it a power wire like the one I have soldered to the track?
       #Post#: 1631--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 022 Switch TroubleShooting
       By: TrainLarry Date: August 29, 2017, 6:45 pm
       You will need 2 separate transformers if you wish to power the
       switches independent of track power.
       The first transformer powers the track normally, with the common
       terminal hooked to the outside rails.
       The second transformer gets the common terminal hooked to the
       outside rails of the track. The power terminal of the second
       transformer gets connected to the fixed voltage plug on the
       If you have a larger transformer with auxiliary output
       terminals, then use the auxiliary terminals which provide the
       best operation of the switches. You will only need one
       transformer then.
       The same gauge wire you have to the track can be used to power
       the switches.
       You will now have 2 transformers and 4 wires to power the track
       and the switches separately.
       #Post#: 1632--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 022 Switch TroubleShootin
       By: GreenWolf Date: August 30, 2017, 9:39 am
       Thank you for your response. That all makes sense.
       Just allow me to display my ignorance further.
       So, I have a transformer plugged into the wall. and on it our 4
       towers that come off. 2 sets. One is adjustable voltage and the
       other is for the max. I connect my white and black feeder wires,
       that are soldered to the inside and middle track. Trains run
       just fine and the switcher lights up.
       Where I got confused is the use of the term power terminal and
       common terminal. All I have is black and white feeder wires that
       connect the transformer to the track. I see a single wire in the
       diagram attaching to the fixed voltage plug on the switcher,
       what one wire is that?
       Much appreciated and assume I know less than you expect.
       #Post#: 1633--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 022 Switch TroubleShooting
       By: TrainLarry Date: August 30, 2017, 12:38 pm
       Forgive me for not looking at all the pictures of the Marx
       transformer you have. It turns out that your transformer has an
       extra set of terminals marked "TO ACCES. 13 VOLTS".
       This set of terminals is used to power your switches. The bottom
       terminal goes to the track outside rails, and the top terminal
       goes to the constant voltage plug on the side of the switches.
       You will have 2 wires connected to this top terminal, one for
       each switch.
       This transformer is not marked which terminals are power and
       which terminals are neutral (ground).
       We will presume the top terminals are the power, and the bottom
       terminals are the grounds.
       You will have the 2 bottom wires hooked up to the outside rails
       of the track.
       One top wire (from the left terminal set) gets connected to the
       track center rail.
       The other wires (from the right terminal set) get connected to
       the constant voltage plugs of the switches.
       Now the switches will be powered independently of the track. The
       track power could be off, and the switches will still be
       #Post#: 1643--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 022 Switch TroubleShootin
       By: GreenWolf Date: September 6, 2017, 9:00 am
       It all makes sense now.
       Thank you very much for the feedback and advice. My son's
       favorite thing is switch the tracks and this makes it much
       easier.He just has to watch burning his hand on those old bulbs.
       I bought the switches from an old timer at a train show in
       Georgia and he rewired them pretty well. Good as new.
       Thanks again,