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       #Post#: 1694--------------------------------------------------
       New circuit breaker for ZW Transformer
       By: 70gtvert Date: November 21, 2017, 11:16 am
       I picked up one of these new circuit breakers for the zw. Mine
       does not work any longer and I was unable to find any NOS
       replacements (anyone know of any?) What I want to know is, from
       those who have used these, do they hook up as the Lionel
       version? In other words, the screw mount on the bottom and the
       two leads are then top and bottom as the Lionel type but both on
       the left side rather then one out the side and the other out the
       top as the Lionel one does. Do I treat them the same, bottom to
       bottom, top to top? My gut says yes but I want to double check
       and my online search found nothing to show connections of any
       sort. Thanks. It wouldn't let me upload the picture of the new
       circuit breaker for some reason but I think you can see the
       circuit breaker by clicking on my link here :
 (HTM) http://s1170.photobucket.com/user/70gtvert/media/circuit_1.jpg.html
       #Post#: 1697--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New circuit breaker for ZW Transformer
       By: TrainLarry Date: November 21, 2017, 9:11 pm
       As long as the circuit breaker is the same rating as the
       original and mounted safely, the wiring to it is irrelevant.
       Circuit breakers have no polarity, and do not care which leads
       get connected where. They will work just the same.