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       #Post#: 1715--------------------------------------------------
       Ceiling/shelf Layout......newbie
       By: captrko Date: November 27, 2017, 1:25 pm
       Mostly an N scaler here....but taking down my collection of
       Lionel Trains for the Christmas tree setup I started to wonder
       why I do not display them more often?
       I really like the idea of a high shelf layout....run them around
       the man cave/study.   I would ideally like 2 tracks side by side
       (but that might be too wide?) Was curious if anyone has done one
       I think Home depot has a selection of shelf material, I think
       this may turn into a fun project--and kinda nice getting away
       form my N scale Coffee table layout in which I still have not
       found a suitable glass top coffee table but I digress....