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       #Post#: 1812--------------------------------------------------
       Newbie connection question!
       By: Gamera Date: December 22, 2017, 8:48 am
       Hi all! I mis-posted this in a different thread, JUST noticed
       this Beginner's Q&A forum, sorry! Below is my question, minus
       the pictures (upload folder is full lol). Pretty sure this will
       be a quick one and done trip to the train store in town, but
       Hi all! Another newbie here; getting back into the model train
       scene after, oh, about 40 years. My dad and I had a Lionel set
       in the attic back in the late 70s. Those were good times. My
       father in law has passed his along to me and frankly I'm behind
       the times - my kids, 11 and almost 13, are expressing an
       interest and I don't want this opportunity to pass us by. I'm
       not sure what scale I have or what kind of track. I'm having
       trouble attaching pictures due to their size; thanks Samsung!
       What can or should I look at on the train itself or the track to
       help ID this stuff?
       I need to know what kind of track this is, and what I need to
       get the transformer to work on it. There is a hobby shop in
       town, so I should be able to pick up whatever I need today. I'd
       like to have it up and running under the tree tonight. :)
       Thanks in advance!
       Edit: Just from asking around at work, looks like all I might
       need is a specific piece of track fro those leads from the
       transformer to plug into. Can anyone confirm/deny before I look
       silly walking into the local hobby shop?
       #Post#: 1815--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Newbie connection question!
       By: TrainLarry Date: December 22, 2017, 10:02 am
       What you have is '0' gauge trains, and you may have either '027'
       or '0' gauge (031) track.
       The transformer should have some numbers or letters on it to
       identify it.
       What you need is a track "lockon" and hookup wire to connect the
       transformer to the track.
       The locomotive may need a little servicing (oil and grease) to
       get it to run smoothly. Bring it to the hobby shop and let them
       do it for you.