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       #Post#: 1855--------------------------------------------------
       Maximum slope
       By: Flynhi Date: January 5, 2018, 4:43 pm
       I have a new Polar Express set that I would like to raise to a
       trestle set height
       What is the maximum slope in dregees that my PE engine will
       climb so that I can raise it in as short a distance as possible?
       #Post#: 1858--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Maximum slope
       By: djacobsen Date: January 6, 2018, 7:31 am
       Hello & Wlcome to the Forum!
       I use: 2% slope for normal loco's
       4% slope for locos with traction tires
       6% slope for geared loco's, climax, heisler, etc. with
       traction tires.
       Go slowly, keep your rise gentile so you don't break traction
       and experiment
       with your locomotive to see what yours will climb. then try it
       with your cars attached
       see if it will climb or just break traction.
       Happy Rails.
       #Post#: 1859--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Maximum slope
       By: Flynhi Date: January 7, 2018, 3:00 pm
       Thanks Fave
       So how many linear feet will it take to use a Lionel graduated
       trestle set- just up and down with no horizontal section at the
       highest point?
       #Post#: 1863--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Maximum slope
       By: djacobsen Date: January 11, 2018, 8:02 am
       not certain of the rise on a Lionel tressel set, works on a
       basic cross over layout so my guess would be around 4 to 6
       linear feet to get the rise to horizontal.  I have Marx tressel
       sets & imagine they are close to Lionels' in rise. works on a 4
       x 8 layout/crossover.
       happy rails..