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       #Post#: 1965--------------------------------------------------
       Chessie #8403
       By: CJ_2026 Date: June 8, 2018, 11:08 pm
       Hello all! I am writing in regards to my Lionel #8403 Chessie
       System steam locomotive. It is the blue engine with tender. I
       have several questions. 1: When were these originally sold? The
       underside of the boiler says Copyright 1983, is this the year
       production began? 2: Is this considered an MPC era production?
       3: The main reason for writing, the smoke unit in this engine
       was completely melted out and I could not get a part number off
       of it. I bought a similar looking unit off ebay, brand new, but
       this one had an electrical contact that opened and closed with
       the air piston. The original did not. Now, my issue is that
       there just isn't much smoke coming out of the unit. If you put
       the loco in neutral, and full power the throttle, then put the
       loco in motion, there are 3-4 good puffs of smoke. It seems that
       the amount of power to the smoke unit is not enough to produce
       good smoke while running slow enough to not derail. Do smoke
       units, even though they look the same, have different power
       requirements? I'm only getting very faint whisps of smoke while
       in motion. I am using Lionel smoke fluid.
       Also, does anyone know what the part number would be for this
       engine? I want to find exploded diagrams, but no where have I
       looked have I been able to look up diagrams using the engine
       number, 8403.
       Thanks for all your help!
       #Post#: 1966--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Chessie #8403
       By: TrainLarry Date: June 9, 2018, 4:04 pm
       Lionel #8041-50 is the smoke unit for that engine.
       Available from
 (HTM) http://www.traindoctor.com/service/lionel/8010to8200.php
       and at auction.
 (HTM) https://www.ebay.com/itm/Lionel-Parts-Smoke-Oil-Type-Unit-8041-50/282992959406?hash=item41e3b1dfae:g:hTsAAOSwFe5XyjGW:sc:USPSFirstClass!27587!US!-1
       The service manual for that loco is available here, starting at
       page 3-19
 (HTM) https://www.lionelsupport.com/media/supplements/Supplement1to9/1Complete.pdf