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       #Post#: 2132--------------------------------------------------
       Maintenance after long term storage
       By: USNDiver Date: April 29, 2019, 10:41 am
       Newby here. Just broke out my 1971 .027 Allegheny set for my 2
       year old Grand Daughter (who's now crazy about trains after
       visiting a train museum) after being in a box for 30+ years.
       Cleaned up the cars and engine, applied a little machine oil to
       the lube points, and the thing still ran! (this speaks volumes
       to the quality of Lionel's.) While it ran, it was still a little
       sluggish and I had to run the transformer almost all the way up
       to get her moving. I'm guessing the tracks could use a good
       cleaning but any other info much appreciated.
       #Post#: 2133--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Maintenance after long term storage
       By: djacobsen Date: May 1, 2019, 6:57 am
       Hello & Welcome to the Forum!
       It's wonderful to break out the trains and spread the love of
       the sound, of the clickety clack as the train goes roundy round.
       You were correct in lubing your engine and axles/wheels after
       years of storage, ALSO you will want to clean your wheels, power
       pickups and track. That sounds like why you are having to apply
       full power.
       The older trains will suprise you.  l have trains over 100 years
       old that run as well as when new.  Hopefully your granddaughter
       might say the same one day if you leave your train to her...
       Happy Rails!