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       #Post#: 14381--------------------------------------------------
       Hello and thank you
       By: Pia Date: May 3, 2020, 11:16 pm
       Hello to all on this forum......My name is Pia and I am in
       Australia on the West Coast.......I am looking forward to first,
       reading what all of you have been sharing, then hopefully, be
       able to join in...........I have already received a lovely warm
       welcome from a few people I have had the good fortune to
       encounter previously and very much look forward to catching up
       with.......I noticed at first glance on the page, that there had
       barely been any comments since Feb.......So is that solely due
       to the impact of the virus ?......Or are people having
       difficulty staying on point with The Lord during this
       ?.........Statistically, someone would have had something to
       say, during the almost 2 months of silence
       hahahaha..........Anyhow, let us encourage ourselves and one
       another in the great Love of our precious Lord.....This is the
       ONE place, where tunnel vision is alright, as long as the vision
       is actually Him and not something we try to substitute for
       Him......As with all other things......... there is a way of
       good and a way of evil, which is important when it comes to
       tunnel vision, because there is no where to turn, if we have
       stepped the wrong way, even a little........But keeping our eyes
       firmly fixed upon the very face of Jesus, which we can easily do
       in our minds, fixed and convinced of His great Love for us
       .....that is a tunnel vision I would suggest, is a fine
       Life, everything around us, shows us there are ' seasons ' of
       things, of all things.....there are and will be quiet times with
       / in The Lord and even among brethren, it is unavoidable, so we
       shouldn't let it bother us.........But let us also remember that
       we can choose a season for heartfelt Thanksgiving and great
       Praise to our wondrous Savior, who has done ever so much, for
       each and every one of us.......It is also the surest way of
       entering His presence , and when there, just 'soak ' it up, ALL
       you can take.......If our hearts are truly in it, we do it out
       of respect for Him, but as in all things that He does...... if
       our hearts ARE truly in it, it also has an enormous benefit to
       us, and is extremely uplifting.........Best of all, is when  a
       small group of like minded people come together with their
       hearts open and full of praise for Him.........It can truly be
       as if the very air is different.......I say a small group, as
       the bigger the group the more difficult it is, for everyone to
       be of one accord, which is needed for this......I sure hope we
       can all be encouraging to one another here, as it is not
       something I find too much of anywhere these days lol
       .......Looking forward to this.....
       #Post#: 14383--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hello and thank you
       By: Rita Date: May 4, 2020, 1:25 am
       Good morning Pia ......
       The forum goes through phases , it’s only recently been ‘ reused
       ‘ ....a group of us from CB wanted a quiet place to meet without
       all the negatives that come from a larger forum. Helen then got
       banned from the forum because of inviting people here, I
       followed ......it was more active back in feb when that all
       happened......but it tends to fluctuate. Helen and I we’re both
       asked to rejoin CB, which for me was amazing timing as God
       really used a conversation with someone there to move me forward
       - she had ana amazing word from the Lord for me that instantly
       released me from years of doubt about something - then I started
       to hear songs in my heart, a constant song as if it was a prayer
       .....never experienced that before ......so I am kind of on a
       bit of a different journey at the moment. Learning to be ‘ a
       child  ‘ , rather than the ‘ parent ‘
       I must admit that I haven’t been very active here ......back to
       work after a break so my time is sometimes restrictive for
       trying to keep up with more than one place ......tiredness
       sometimes gets in the way as well.
       We have encountered each other in the past on different forums,
       cannot remember where or when, but I have it in my memory that I
       always liked your posts xx
       I have to go to work soon, but just wanted to say Hello ........
       I am presuming that you are on lockdown .......I am a key
       worker, so life is not as limited as I do at least have a normal
       work life !  ( well as normal as it can be with 2m distancing
       and PPE, limited buses and no costa coffee on route ! )
       #Post#: 14389--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hello and thank you
       By: Amadeus Date: May 4, 2020, 6:24 pm
       Really hello to you Pia,
       While I understood I really missed your posts when you were not
       there on CB to post any more. Over there I have been asked to
       help a certain member from another country and it has been
       wearing on me. He a young unmarried man and his situation and
       question are a strain on me along  with everything else. When
       they put out my old  pastor [now 94] in late 2018 and I followed
       in support of him, it put me in a place where I cannot remember
       being before. Now talking to this young man is stretching me,
       but God is able to stretch even when alone I cannot. I had
       prayed for God to lead me thinking that perhaps he would put me
       in another physical church, but from what I have seen there
       aren't any around where I would fit in... or that they would let
       me fit in without compromise. Carry on there sister. Give God
       the glory! John
       #Post#: 14393--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hello and thank you
       By: Helen Date: May 4, 2020, 8:19 pm
       Hello Pia
       I'm glad that you have lots to read on here, because the
       postings are very low these day...most people have seemingly
       quit now...even mjrhealth is not around here much either.
       Maybe if we check on here now and again we will find that it
       will once again spring back to life again!
       Only the Lord can build His House , we can't. [emoji4]
       Stay safe and be blessed.
       #Post#: 14394--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hello and thank you
       By: mjrhealth Date: May 5, 2020, 2:15 am
       [quote author=Helen link=topic=912.msg14393#msg14393
       Hello Pia
       I'm glad that you have lots to read on here, because the
       postings are very low these day...most people have seemingly
       quit now...even mjrhealth is not around here much either.
       Maybe if we check on here now and again we will find that it
       will once again spring back to life again!
       Only the Lord can build His House , we can't. [emoji4]
       Stay safe and be blessed.
       Always visit her, but there isnt anything new to post, CB is
       just there for me to remind me God is always there as well as
       the other guy. Just isnt anything new, cant write when I have
       not being given anything to write. Pias turn. She has much to
       #Post#: 14431--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hello and thank you
       By: Pia Date: May 8, 2020, 12:42 am
       Hi David, Helen Amadeus and Rita.
       hahaha, just had to get help to do this, oh boy I feel quite
       dense when it comes to computers, still to this day.
       I came across these by accident really, so yeah, I'm not sure
       yet of the navigation of this..
       Just wanted to drop a quick hello here, so you know I'm still
       here.....Had a few crazy busy days, out of the blue, actually
       for almost an entire week...Anyway, will try to get on this a
       little later.....David has to help with computer as it's doing
       some rather odd things....Isn't it amazing, he can do that from
       ca. 4000 km's away lol..
       God bless you, each one........Pia
       #Post#: 14432--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hello and thank you
       By: Pat Date: May 8, 2020, 5:54 am
       [quote author=Pia link=topic=912.msg14431#msg14431
       Hi David, Helen Amadeus and Rita.
       hahaha, just had to get help to do this, oh boy I feel quite
       dense when it comes to computers, still to this day.
       I came across these by accident really, so yeah, I'm not sure
       yet of the navigation of this..
       Just wanted to drop a quick hello here, so you know I'm still
       here.....Had a few crazy busy days, out of the blue, actually
       for almost an entire week...Anyway, will try to get on this a
       little later.....David has to help with computer as it's doing
       some rather odd things....Isn't it amazing, he can do that from
       ca. 4000 km's away lol..
       God bless you, each one........Pia
       God bless you too Pia, and I hope your computer behaves itself.
       #Post#: 14434--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hello and thank you
       By: Soulman Date: May 8, 2020, 6:04 am
       [quote author=Pia link=topic=912.msg14431#msg14431
       Hi David, Helen Amadeus and Rita.
       hahaha, just had to get help to do this, oh boy I feel quite
       dense when it comes to computers, still to this day.
       I came across these by accident really, so yeah, I'm not sure
       yet of the navigation of this..
       Just wanted to drop a quick hello here, so you know I'm still
       here.....Had a few crazy busy days, out of the blue, actually
       for almost an entire week...Anyway, will try to get on this a
       little later.....David has to help with computer as it's doing
       some rather odd things....Isn't it amazing, he can do that from
       ca. 4000 km's away lol..
       God bless you, each one........Pia
       Hi Pia, what part of California?
       #Post#: 14435--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hello and thank you
       By: mjrhealth Date: May 8, 2020, 6:49 am
       She meant Western Australia
       #Post#: 14436--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hello and thank you
       By: Amadeus Date: May 8, 2020, 8:39 am
       [quote author=Pia link=topic=912.msg14431#msg14431
       Hi David, Helen Amadeus and Rita.
       hahaha, just had to get help to do this, oh boy I feel quite
       dense when it comes to computers, still to this day.
       I came across these by accident really, so yeah, I'm not sure
       yet of the navigation of this..
       Just wanted to drop a quick hello here, so you know I'm still
       here.....Had a few crazy busy days, out of the blue, actually
       for almost an entire week...Anyway, will try to get on this a
       little later.....David has to help with computer as it's doing
       some rather odd things....Isn't it amazing, he can do that from
       ca. 4000 km's away lol..
       God bless you, each one........Pia
       Just stick with it sister. David will help but using the
       computer regularly the necessary things where start to stick
       with you. Again it is good to see you with us again. Give God
       the glory!
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