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       #Post#: 7--------------------------------------------------
       Install Steam/other games. (programs too)
       By: Admin Date: September 21, 2017, 10:47 pm
       Warning this doesn't work for most games BUT WILL FOR MOST
       [list type=decimal]
       [li] download .exe and put it inside a folder inside ur network
       [li] right click and make a new .txt document. [/li]
       [li] Now copy and paste this without " .    " set
       start steamsetup " [/li]
       [li] after rename steamsetup to what ever file is in the same
       folder that you want to run. [/li]
       [li] save the text file as a .bat THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT. Click
       file > Save as > Select destination> start.bat [/li]
       [li] Now run the .bat this should work! [/li]
       Recommend this website to your friends. NEED HELP? Leave a
       comment and use snipping tool to take a pic so we can see errors
       / more.