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       #Post#: 13--------------------------------------------------
       Bulahdelah meeting, March 21
       By: Ray Bell Date: March 13, 2021, 7:26 pm
       As notified:
       Hi all,
       Our first meeting for the year is in Bulahdelah at the school of
       arts hall. Corner of Crawford street and Meade street.
       Directors meeting at 9.00am
       General meeting at 10.30am
       If anyone has anything they would like put in the agenda please
       email it through. A few will be going to the pub for lunch after
       and all are welcome. if anyone has raffle prizes they would like
       to donate, please bring them along also.
       If arriving early, please wait till the main hall doors are
       opened so as not to interrupt the directors meeting.
       Hope to see you all there on the 21st at Bulahdelah.
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/SxffSbnR/0321fr-GEbulahdelahhall.jpg
       School of Arts Hall, Bulahdelah.
       #Post#: 14--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bulahdelah meeting, March 21
       By: Ray Bell Date: March 18, 2021, 5:05 am
       The prospect of floods has put the meeting in question.
       A decision is to be made on Friday.
       #Post#: 15--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bulahdelah meeting, March 21
       By: Ray Bell Date: March 18, 2021, 9:23 pm
       Now to be on Zoom...
       Details will follow.
       #Post#: 16--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bulahdelah meeting, March 21
       By: Ray Bell Date: March 19, 2021, 6:22 am
       Here are the instructions from Dan:
       [quote]Our face to face meeting on Sunday will be replaced by a
       Zoom meeting, due to the uncertainty of flooding near the venue
       and on connecting roads. This meeting will be recorded, for
       minuting purposes only.
       Directors Meeting 9:00 start
       Meeting URL:
 (HTM) https://uonewcastle.zoom.us/j/88311375240...
       Meeting ID: 883 1137 5240
       Passcode: 061489
       Members Meeting 10:30 start
       Meeting URL:
 (HTM) https://uonewcastle.zoom.us/j/83047119373...
       Meeting ID: 830 4711 9373
       Passcode: 321183
       You can gain access to the meeting by clicking on the link. You
       can use the Zoom app but if you don’t have it installed it
       should just open up in your browser. It will work on a computer
       or mobile device.
       There will be a 'waiting room' for each meeting. You will be
       manually added to the actual meeting through this. Make sure
       your name is set correctly, so that you can be identified.
       Please mute yourself as appropriate, especially if there is
       background noise. Most people only unmute themselves when they
       are talking.
       If you have a poor internet connection, turning off your video
       may assist.[/quote]
       Zoom is a very simple program, but if anyone has questions
       please ask. It might be a good idea for those who haven't used
       it to log in several minutes early and ask for help if they find
       they need it.