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       #Post#: 1550--------------------------------------------------
       Forum Rules and Guidelines
       By: Zeroxd1 Date: January 5, 2014, 10:08 pm
       Hey there! its Zero Owner of the forum and I have some stuff to
       1. No Spamming you will get 2 warnings and after you will be
       banned 1 day to a Week depending on how bad the Spam was.
       2. No Pornographic Material or you will be banned for a Month
       and the topic deleted
       3. No Profanity any words not caught on the Bad word list will
       be banned for a week while the Bad word will be blocked out
       4. New users show respect to people with higher position Here
       are the ranks for ban
       Moderator- Banned from up to 1 day to a week
       Admin- Banned from 2 weeks to a month
       Owner (Me or John)  Banned for possibly more than a month
       5. Do not Mock a Higher rank or the above will happen
       And the Ban list....
       Being a Jerk in Shoutbox- 1 Day
       Moderator Mocking- 1 Week
       Porn- 1 Month, If continue after return 1 year or I.P Ban
       Profanity- 2 Weeks
       Admin Mocking - 2 Weeks
       Owner Mocking - 1 Month or Higher
       V.I.P Mocking- 1 Day
       Spamming- 1 Day
       Spamming in SB- 1 Week
       Acting like a Jerk- 1 Week
       Mocking Mod,Admin, and Owner- Perma-Ban
       discussing "Mature" Body Parts- 1 Year to a Perma-Ban
       Cyber-Bullying (Through Messaging)- 1 Year
       Cyber-Bullying (On SB) - 4-8 Months
       Being Rude (You get 3 Warnings after that... --> 1 Week Ban
       Threatening Users (Only 1 Warning..That's it.... if so
       then....--> 2 Week Ban
       Hacking- Perma-Ban
       Bumping- No Bans but please do not Bump A lot (Its okay but not
       all the time) or else we will have to issue a 1 day ban
       Don't discuss Illegal Things (Such as Hacking, Cheating, and
       other activities- 1 Month Ban
       Talking about attacking Website/Forum- 2-4 Month Ban
       No Advertising- 1 day ban (Educational or Flipline is okay)
       Being Offensive- 2 Week Ban
       Do not Impersonate A V.I.P,Mod,Admin, or Owner- 1 Warning
       until.....1 Week Ban
       Hacking the Site or attempting: Perma Ban Or Account Deletion