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       #Post#: 112682--------------------------------------------------
       Strictly 2023
       By: pollypenny Date: August 9, 2021, 6:42 am
       The build up has started. I even watched The One Show to hear
       the first three competitors announced. And, of course, I knew
       none of them.
       Anyway I'm looking forward to it - something cheerful to break
       up the winter evenings.
       #Post#: 112762--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Strictly 2021!  
       By: HB3 Date: August 9, 2021, 10:12 am
       I'm looking forward to it too. I have rarely heard of more than
       a few of the contestants and find it interesting to 'meet' new
       #Post#: 112826--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Strictly 2021!  
       By: minimad1970 Date: August 9, 2021, 12:51 pm
       Ugo Monye's been on my Strictly wishlist for years. He's funny,
       charismatic and very easy on the eye  ;)
       Now I just have to hope he can dance  ;D
       #Post#: 112832--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Strictly 2021!  
       By: Pyxis Date: August 9, 2021, 1:05 pm
       I do hope I know some of them. It would be a shame not to know
       any, as it would just be an ordinary competition for me then.
       I only know Robert Webb and Sarah Davies so far.
       #Post#: 112895--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Strictly 2021!  
       By: pollypenny Date: August 10, 2021, 2:38 am
       The obligatory soap actor announced, Katie McGlynn from Corrie.
       I may well have misheard that name and I stopped watching
       Corrie when Reg and Curly finished.
       Wheee!  And the brilliant Dan Walker is on!   Now, that will
       destroy the myth of a Sunday results show, as he won't work on
       #Post#: 112924--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Strictly 2021!  
       By: Pyxis Date: August 10, 2021, 6:25 am
       [quote author=pollypenny link=topic=1269.msg112895#msg112895
       The obligatory soap actor announced, Katie McGlynn from Corrie.
       I may well have misheard that name and I stopped watching
       Corrie when Reg and Curly finished.
       Wheee!  And the brilliant Dan Walker is on!   Now, that will
       destroy the myth of a Sunday results show, as he won't work on
       Oh good! I really, really like Dan Walker! He such a good
       I hope he stays in it for ages, as that will be so enjoyable for
       Never heard of Katie McGlynn. I stopped watching Corrie years
       ago when I was sick of people being killed off in ever more
       drastic ways, and nobody ever being allowed to stay in a
       relationship for more than five minutes. Plus, the elder
       stateswomen who provided a lot of the latent humour had mostly
       gone too.
       #Post#: 112937--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Strictly 2021!  
       By: pollypenny Date: August 10, 2021, 7:16 am
       We need a hunky sports star now. If I mention a Welsh rugby
       player will my stalker come out of the woodwork?
       (Me of TOP and Strictly thread).
       #Post#: 113262--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Strictly 2021!  
       By: minimad1970 Date: August 11, 2021, 3:20 pm
       [quote author=pollypenny link=topic=1269.msg112937#msg112937
       We need a hunky sports star now. If I mention a Welsh rugby
       player will my stalker come out of the woodwork?
       (Me of TOP and Strictly thread).
       There is one, Ugo Monye.....
 (HTM) https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/0AAbO0zif3HWQmrcupqae_fjoOnZOpl02KT-fSTGgMgDBzqbZng61Rv1ylBbuHv88awJ3AfwmECiYjyREdm2kgthGlfkd_VeqW97YXB7AdeaYNQJ4Wi25zIosX4LrG4AAeUEsb7oduWJnHQCUqHJfYuANz1EH0I[/img]
       #Post#: 113265--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Strictly 2021!  
       By: minimad1970 Date: August 11, 2021, 3:23 pm
 (HTM) https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Sport/Pix/pictures/2010/2/1/1265048957074/Ugo-Monye-001.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctZGVmYXVsdC5wbmc&enable=upscale&s=5e5cce4216c87be148fa997c4fc89398[/img]
       ;D ;D ;D
       #Post#: 113267--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Strictly 2021!  
       By: Pyxis Date: August 11, 2021, 3:30 pm
       What’s the significance of the date on his chest?
       I can make out 4th of the 7th two thousand and ........? The
       rest is obscured.
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