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       #Post#: 37870--------------------------------------------------
       Online events that may be of interest
       By: NewShadow Date: October 12, 2020, 12:30 pm
       With an increasing amount of talks and lectures and such going
       online that might be of interest to members, I thought a thread
       to share some of these might be a good idea?
       Allowing that I may have an eccentric and idiosyncratic idea of
       what "may be of interest" means...to start off [chronologically
       A talk about the legal aftermath of the Great Fire of London
 (HTM) https://www.lincolnsinn.org.uk/whats-on/the-fire-courts-successfully-delivering-justice-in-a-time-of-plague-and-fire-online/<br
       />- Wed, 21 October 5:00-7:00pm
       PHW presents a discussion on the application of behavioural
       science to current preventative activity in Wales [inc Q&A]:
       COVID-19 and Behavioural Science
 (HTM) https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/covid-19-and-behavioural-science-tickets-124258419277<br
       />- 22 October, 14:00 - 15:00
       A Spectator event - Does Donald Trump deserve a second term?
 (HTM) https://events.spectator.co.uk/events/2020-10-does-donald-trump-deserve-a-second-term<br
       />Nigel Farrage is one of the panellists along with Sarah Elliot
       chair of Republicans Overseas [We can note from this choice of
       panellists that there will probably be a bias in favour "yes he
       does"] - October 27, 6:00 pm [£5]
       A zoom-based talk on The politics of railway closures in West
 (HTM) https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/do-you-really-call-that-progress-mr-marples-tickets-121512413901?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch<br
       />- hosted by the West Bay Discovery Center on October 29th at
       Join the History of Parliament Trust, the UK Parliament
       Speaker's Committee on Works of Art and the Parliamentary
       Archives for an online discussion about the Queen Caroline
       Affair 200 years on
 (HTM) https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/eorcing-a-queen-the-queen-caroline-affair-200-years-on-tickets-120366259723<br
       />- Wed, 4 November 2020 18:00-19:30
       #Post#: 37871--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Online events that may be of interest
       By: Pyxis Date: October 12, 2020, 12:37 pm
       Great idea!
       #Post#: 38562--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Online events that may be of interest
       By: NewShadow Date: October 15, 2020, 9:13 am
       "Sheffield’s Feminist Rebels: Suffrage before the Suffragettes":
       Sheffield has many claims to fame, but perhaps one of the least
       well known is that the first-ever petition for women's suffrage
       came from the town in 1851. This was organised by the Women's
       Rights Association (WRA), a rebellious name in itself for the
       time - Monday 9 November, 7:30pm
       TEDx Seattle "Other Sides": In a year no one predicted, how do
       we approach the other side? TEDxSeattle is one of the largest
       TEDx events in the world, and this year we're exploring the
       other side; The 2020 event will be 100% virtual (and 100% FREE)
       but don't expect the same Zoom panels you're used to from
       conferences in 2020. We're putting a spin on it like only
       TEDxSeattle can, creating unique, engaging talks with some
       powerful speakers. If you've always wanted to come to a
       TEDxSeattle event, but cost or location stood in the way, this
       is your chance to join us to share ideas that inspire action -
       Saturday, 21 November, sessions running all day[register for
       full programme]
 (HTM) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tedxseattle-2020-registration-114134455228
       #Post#: 38566--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Online events that may be of interest
       By: elsien Date: October 15, 2020, 9:42 am
       For those interested in how the Court of Protection decides on
       capacity related issues.
       It’s a bit hit and miss because they don’t always say what the
       issue is, and the case I was involved with where there was a
       potentially interesting debate about whether an injunction can
       be served on someone via Facebook was adjourned with the
       instructions to try harder via the normal channels.
       But the COP does make some very interesting decisions relations
       to people’s rights. And it could be us they’re talking about, in
       the future.
 (HTM) https://openjusticecourtofprotection.org/
       #Post#: 38865--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Online events that may be of interest
       By: Pyxis Date: October 16, 2020, 12:47 pm
       Online Guardian Masterclasses...
       How to write your novel - a weekend bootcamp:
 (HTM) https://membership.theguardian.com/event/how-to-write-your-novel-a-weekend-bootcamp-125316911255?utm_source=eml&utm_medium=emaq&utm_campaign=MK_MC_SolusFriday&utm_term=Friday161020_UK_Reg&utm_content=variantA
       A brief history of modern US elections:
 (HTM) https://membership.theguardian.com/event/a-brief-history-of-modern-us-elections-with-jonathan-freedland-125308032699?utm_source=eml&utm_medium=emaq&utm_campaign=MK_MC_SolusFriday&utm_term=Friday161020_UK_Reg&utm_content=variantA
       Pitching to journalists - a practical workshop for
 (HTM) https://membership.theguardian.com/event/pitching-to-journalists-a-practical-workshop-for-pr-professionals-122530557195?utm_source=eml&utm_medium=emaq&utm_campaign=MK_MC_SolusFriday&utm_term=Friday161020_UK_Reg&utm_content=variantA
       How to take control of your career development:
 (HTM) https://membership.theguardian.com/event/how-to-take-control-of-your-career-development-124734106069?utm_source=eml&utm_medium=emaq&utm_campaign=MK_MC_SolusFriday&utm_term=Friday161020_UK_Reg&utm_content=variantA
       #Post#: 40286--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Online events that may be of interest
       By: Pyxis Date: October 23, 2020, 12:30 pm
       "How to make a successful documentary: A weekend class with
       Laurence Topham".
 (HTM) https://membership.theguardian.com/event/how-to-make-a-successful-documentary-a-weekend-class-with-laurence-topham-126414094961?utm_source=eml&utm_medium=emaq&utm_campaign=Copy%20of%20MK_MC_Solus231020&utm_term=Friday231020_UK_Reg&utm_content=variantA
       "A history of race relations with Professor Kehinde Andrews".
 (HTM) https://membership.theguardian.com/event/a-history-of-race-relations-with-kehinde-andrews-126429649485?utm_source=eml&utm_medium=emaq&utm_campaign=Copy%20of%20MK_MC_Solus231020&utm_term=Friday231020_UK_Reg&utm_content=variantA
       #Post#: 40878--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Online events that may be of interest
       By: Pyxis Date: October 26, 2020, 7:27 am
       One for book lovers....
       The 2020 Booker Prize Shortlist
       Livestreamed readings and conversations with the shortlisted
       Wednesday 11 November
       7-8.30 pm
       "In the week leading up to the announcement of this year’s
       winner, join us for an evening of readings and conversation with
       the shortlisted authors, hosted by writer and critic Alex Clark.
       You will also have the chance to ask your own questions."
 (HTM) https://membership.theguardian.com/event/2020-booker-prize-shortlist-readings-120397537275?utm_source=eml&utm_medium=emaq&utm_campaign=MK_LI_Listings251020&utm_term=Sunday251020_UK_Reg&utm_content=variantA
       #Post#: 42691--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Online events that may be of interest
       By: Pyxis Date: November 2, 2020, 11:06 am
       Climate change: What next for the Paris agreement?
       Thurs 12th November
       7-8 pm
       "Countries and businesses are still failing to commit to
       reducing emissions, and this year the US will complete its
       withdrawal from the landmark 2015 Paris agreement. In what was
       supposed to be a pivotal year for international climate
       discussions, the United Nations is calling on youth activists to
       advise on ideas and solutions for climate recovery.
       What will the long lasting impacts of countries’ and businesses’
       failures to commit to change be? How can they continue to enact
       policy reform now that COP26 has been delayed? Our panel,
       chaired by Guardian environmental journalist Fiona Harvey, and
       including the Secretary General, UNFCCC Patricia Espinosa, UK
       Government’s high level climate action champion Nigel Topping,
       and UN youth climate envoy Nisreen Elsaim, will be in
 (HTM) https://membership.theguardian.com/event/the-climate-emergency-what-next-for-the-paris-agreement-123319065645?utm_source=eml&utm_medium=emaq&utm_campaign=MK_LI_Listings011120&utm_term=Sunday011120_UK_Reg&utm_content=variantA
       #Post#: 43214--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Online events that may be of interest
       By: Pyxis Date: November 4, 2020, 12:58 pm
       Hostile Environment: How Immigrants Became Scapegoats
       Tuesday 24 November
       "Join us for a panel discussion on attitudes towards immigration
       in Britain.
       In her latest book, Maya Goodfellow tracks the historical roots
       of Theresa May’s ‘hostile environment’ policy to show that
       distinct forms of racism and dehumanisation have produced a
       draconian immigration system that disproves the argument that
       the Windrush scandal is a deviance from the norm."
 (HTM) https://membership.theguardian.com/event/hostile-environment-how-immigrants-became-scapegoats-126994180011?utm_source=eml&utm_medium=emaq&utm_campaign=MK_LI_Listings041120&utm_term=041120_UK_Reg&utm_content=variantA
       #Post#: 43219--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Online events that may be of interest
       By: Morbier Date: November 4, 2020, 1:28 pm
       Just in case anyone doesn't realise it, the Open University
       offers free online courses.
 (HTM) https://www.open.edu/openlearn/free-courses/full-catalogue
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