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       #Post#: 28246--------------------------------------------------
       Psychologist: Trump May Be the Sanest Person in White House Ever
       By: BJ Date: September 10, 2018, 7:44 am
       From bumbling idiot to stable genius, opinions vary wildly
       regarding President Donald Trump. But now a psychologist who
       knows him has weighed in with her opinion — and it is likely to
       send the left into a total meltdown.
       Show host Dr. Gina Loudon, PhD has written a new book titled,
       “Mad Politics,” in which she posits, “what if Trump isn’t the
       crazy man that the media pretends he is? What if he’s actually
       the cure for a country who’s been going mad for years?”
       During an appearance on “Hannity,” she elaborated further:
       Gina Loudon: "My book actually uses science and real data and
       true psychological theory to explain why it is quite possible
       that this president is the most sound minded person to ever
       occupy the White House."
       Loudon is public about her personal support for Trump. According
       to the bio on her website, “She serves on the Donald J. Trump
       for President Media Advisory Board … Dr. Gina was an official
       Trump campaign surrogate and a Trump delegate to the Republican
       National Convention.”
       In one tweet, Loudon hinted at some of the science behind her
       conclusion regarding Trump’s sanity. She asked, “Ever wonder
       what @realDonaldTrump’s family of origin and birth order have to
       do with his leadership style, success, and personality?
       On the Tom Shillue Show, Loudon talked about her background with
       science and research, along with her interactions with Trump and
       his family both inside and outside the White House.
       She explained that all of that adds to a more realistic look of
       Trump than rumor and innuendo do.
       The Tom Shillue Show
       .@RealDrGina discusses how @POTUS operates and her new book
       'Mad Politics: Keeping Your Sanity in a World Gone Crazy' with
       Taking on the recent hullabaloo about investigative journalist
       Bob Woodard’s book, “Fear: Trump in the White House,” Loudon
       goes for the kill in explaining why her book is better. Based on
       what has been coming out about his book, there may be an
       argument to be made.
       Donald J. Trump
       The Woodward book has already been refuted and discredited by
       General (Secretary of Defense) James Mattis and General (Chief
       of Staff) John Kelly. Their quotes were made up frauds, a con on
       the public. Likewise other stories and quotes. Woodward is a Dem
       operative? Notice timing?
       7:18 PM - Sep 4, 2018
       Loudon tweeted, “My new book, #MadPolitics DESTROYS #Woodward’s
       drivel about @realDonaldTrump. My book is based on solid
       scientific research, fact, & knowing President Trump & his
       family. His book is based on gossip, inuendo, & partisan
       fantasy. #PickYOURPoison”
       Secretary of Defense General James Matttis is among those
       calling the veracity of Woodward’s book into question. His
       official statement of denial has been shared on Twitter:
       Defense Secretary Mattis denies the words attributed to him in
       Bob Woodward's new book.
       Others who have also made public denials about Woodward’s book
       include ex-Trump lawyer John Dowd and Chief of Staff General
       John Kelly. According to Fox News Senior Political Analyst Brit
       Hume, Woodward used anonymous sources in his book:
       Brit Hume
       The denials from Kelly, Dowd, Mattis are pretty explicit and
       direct. Bob Woodward’s sources are, as always, anonymous so we
       may never know who’s right.
       Fin Gomez
       NEW: SecDef Mattis in Woodward Book, per @JenGriffinFNC :
       According to Bloomberg, in Woodward’s book, Kelly is attributed
       with calling Trump an “idiot.” Dowd allegedly called Trump a
       “liar” and Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, is
       alleged to have “heard Trump propose assassinating Syrian
       President Bashar al-Assad.” Haley also denies the book’s claims.
       In the meantime, there have seemingly been no claims of false
       attributions in Loudon’s book. There has only been outrage over
       her statement that Trump may be sane, much less the “sanest
       person in the White House.” Neither fits the narrative being
       pushed by Trump’s detractors, who are quick to claim
       incompetence and insanity as justifications for impeachment.
       In the end, it is the book buyers — and ultimately the American
       voters — who will decide what to believe about the president.
       For now, his endorsement continues to carry great weight with
       voters and his popularity continues to hold strong.
       #Post#: 28261--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Psychologist: Trump May Be the Sanest Person in White House 
       By: Brainysmurf Date: September 10, 2018, 8:37 am
       Dr Gina is a bit of a wingnut isn't she?
       #Post#: 28264--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Psychologist: Trump May Be the Sanest Person in White House 
       By: BJ Date: September 10, 2018, 8:49 am
       #Post#: 28269--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Psychologist: Trump May Be the Sanest Person in White House 
       By: Highpockets Date: September 10, 2018, 9:03 am
       A founding member of the Tea Party movement.  Wouldn't know
       sanity if it slapped her in the face.
       #Post#: 28270--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Psychologist: Trump May Be the Sanest Person in White House 
       By: BJ Date: September 10, 2018, 9:07 am
       #Post#: 28300--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Psychologist: Trump May Be the Sanest Person in White House 
       By: hotspice58 Date: September 10, 2018, 11:40 am
       You're a true Trump supporter, aren't you? Can't see not one of
       his flaws....  wow.
       #Post#: 28308--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Psychologist: Trump May Be the Sanest Person in White House 
       By: BJ Date: September 10, 2018, 12:30 pm
       As he has almost single handedly saved us from the situation
       that the last guy put us into, I am able to overlook unimportant
       [quote author=hotspice58 link=topic=1832.msg28300#msg28300
       You're a true Trump supporter, aren't you? Can't see not one of
       his flaws....  wow.
       #Post#: 28507--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Psychologist: Trump May Be the Sanest Person in White House 
       By: PiscesFishy Date: September 11, 2018, 11:09 pm
       [img alt=Image result for laughing hysterically
 (HTM) https://media1.tenor.com/images/e83efff147c45e884da3e73f867be4a8/tenor.gif?itemid=9450407[/img]
       #Post#: 28515--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Psychologist: Trump May Be the Sanest Person in White House 
       By: guest700 Date: September 12, 2018, 12:24 am
       I wanna know what cereal box top she had to mail in for her PhD?
       BTW, her PhD is in "human development", not psychology from the
       Fieldings School of Leadership Studies, online.  She's not a
       #Post#: 28525--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Psychologist: Trump May Be the Sanest Person in White House 
       By: Highpockets Date: September 12, 2018, 9:09 am
       [quote author=BJ link=topic=1832.msg28308#msg28308
       As he has almost single handedly saved us from the situation
       that the last guy put us into, I am able to overlook unimportant
       [quote author=hotspice58 link=topic=1832.msg28300#msg28300
       You're a true Trump supporter, aren't you? Can't see not one of
       his flaws....  wow.
       Could you be more specific?  What situation has he almost single
       handedly saved us from?