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       #Post#: 57--------------------------------------------------
       By: MousePaws Date: February 25, 2017, 4:13 pm
       Hi there! I'm MousePaws! I have 7 pet mice, 5 girls in a group,
       and 2 boys (obviously separate). I also have a lovely syrian
       hamster named Blue. I am an an active member on both Hamster
       Hideout and Pet Mouse Fanciers.  On Hamster Hideout I am known
       as HamsterMouse, and on Pet Mouse Fanciers my username is
       AnonymousMouseOwner. So, hello! :)
       #Post#: 60--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hello
       By: ~WinterWhisker~ Date: February 25, 2017, 4:21 pm
       Hi there MousePaws! Nice to see you here. I hope to see you