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       #Post#: 66--------------------------------------------------
       Cage pictures thread
       By: MousePaws Date: February 25, 2017, 5:39 pm
       Share photos of your cages/tanks/bins here! :)
       #Post#: 68--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Cage pictures thread
       By: ~WinterWhisker~ Date: February 25, 2017, 5:45 pm
       Ooh this sounds fun! I might do this for my hamster as well!
       #Post#: 73--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Cage pictures thread
       By: Sophia Date: February 25, 2017, 6:16 pm
       I will be getting some soon once the glue dries for the two
       floored platform :D
       #Post#: 78--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Cage pictures thread
       By: MousePaws Date: February 25, 2017, 7:01 pm
       I can post my photos now! This is going to be a long post  :P
 (HTM) https://i37.servimg.com/u/f37/19/49/43/55/holly_22.jpg
 (HTM) https://i37.servimg.com/u/f37/19/49/43/55/rockys10.jpg
 (HTM) https://i37.servimg.com/u/f37/19/49/43/55/christ10.jpg
 (HTM) http://i97.servimg.com/u/f97/19/49/43/55/img_0519.jpg
 (HTM) http://i97.servimg.com/u/f97/19/49/43/55/img_0210.jpg[img]
 (HTM) http://i97.servimg.com/u/f97/19/49/43/55/img_0116.jpg
 (HTM) http://i97.servimg.com/u/f97/19/49/43/55/img_0010.jpg[img]
 (HTM) http://i97.servimg.com/u/f97/19/49/43/55/img_9812.jpg
 (HTM) http://i97.servimg.com/u/f97/19/49/43/55/img_9812.jpg
 (HTM) http://i97.servimg.com/u/f97/19/49/43/55/img_0210.jpg
       #Post#: 83--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Cage pictures thread
       By: Sophia Date: February 25, 2017, 7:25 pm
       [quote author=MousePaws link=topic=23.msg78#msg78
       I can post my photos now! This is going to be a long post  :P
       those are so cool!
       #Post#: 289--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Cage pictures thread
       By: Cynical_Mouse Date: February 27, 2017, 9:25 am
       Wow I love the setups! They look like so much fun :) where did
       you get those hanging cubes from?