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       #Post#: 77--------------------------------------------------
       Hello! Hammy Here!
       By: Hammy Haus Date: February 25, 2017, 6:58 pm
       I am Hammy Haus (AKA Andrea) and I came here from HH. I may be
       getting a mouse in about october!
       #Post#: 79--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hello! Hammy Here!
       By: ~WinterWhisker~ Date: February 25, 2017, 7:06 pm
       Welcome Andrea! I'm excited to see your mouse when you get it!
       It will be a male, correct? Females must live in at least pairs,
       but trios are strongly recommended.
       #Post#: 241--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hello! Hammy Here!
       By: Cynical_Mouse Date: February 26, 2017, 7:49 pm
       Hello and welcome! Excited to meet your little guy in the future