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       #Post#: 80--------------------------------------------------
       Mouse Maniac Rules and Guidelines 
       By: Zofia♥ Date: February 25, 2017, 7:09 pm
       1.) Disallowed Content - The following types of content are not
       permitted on the forum. Posts including this content will be
       edited or deleted. Depending on the nature of the content,
       further action (warnings, account restrictions, and bans) may
       A) Disrespectful / abusive behavior – hateful / derogatory
       speech, name-calling
       B) Foul language - including acronyms, self-censoring, and
       alternate spellings
       C) Inappropriate / controversial topics - sex, drugs, religion,
       politics, etc.
       D) Spam – duplicate threads, unhelpful / pointless posts, and
       general “spamming”
       E) Plagiarism – posting works (art, articles) without giving
       credit and linking back to the original source
       F) Off-topic posts - personal chatter / banter irrelevant to the
       G) Difficult-to-read posts - light colors, tiny font sizes,
       excessive slang, non-standard English
       F) Illegal content - file-sharing sites containing movies,
       music, software, etc. that promote piracy
       2) Breeding policy - Mouse Maniac does not support causal
       breeding of mice or any other animal. No discussion or questions
       about the practice of breeding are allowed on any part of the
       forum. If your pet becomes pregnant accidentally, you may ask
       for help and advice in the appropriate board.
       3) Advertisements - No advertisement of for-profit product or
       services permitted. Do not use the PM function, or forum in
       general to advertise (this applies to for-profit and
       not-for-profit). Links to not-for-profit websites, blogs, etc.
       are permitted in signatures and profiles. Advertisements for
       buying and selling animals are strictly forbidden - all
       animal-related ads are for free adoptions only!
       4) Graphic content – Do not share any pictures, videos, or
       graphic descriptions of any type of abuse or harm on the forum.
       Any such content will be removed.
       -Animal abuse – No pictures, videos, or descriptions of animal
       abuse allowed. This includes any post that "shames" someone for
       abusive treatment of animals (links to Craigslist ads, ranting
       about the neighbor, etc.). Regardless of the animal’s situation,
       posting such content does not help at all, and only serves to
       upset members.
       -Sensitive topics – This rule also applies to self-harm, mental
       illness, abuse, trauma, rape, suicide, and other sensitive
       topics. Mentioning your struggles with these things is fine –
       graphic, detailed descriptions are not.
       5) Privacy concerns – Members under 18 years old are not
       permitted to post any potentially identifying information on the
       forum. This includes (but is not limited to) last names, phone
       numbers, addresses, exact locations, personal email addresses,
       school names, pictures of themselves, pictures of friends /
       family, and pictures of the outside of their house. Members over
       the age of 18 are also encouraged to guard their personal
       information. Public package trade requests are not permitted. If
       members choose to privately engage in package exchanges via PM,
       they do so at their own risk, and the forum cannot be held
       6) Maintain account security – Members are allowed 1 account
       only, and are responsible for all activity under that account.
       Multiple accounts are not allowed, if we see you have more than
       1, 1 of them will be deleted and the other will be issued with a
       temporary ban. Members must maintain a secure password, and not
       allow anyone else into their account.
       7) Leave modding to the moderators and do not “member mod” – If
       you see a member breaking a rule or you have concerns, report
       and move on. Do not take forum rule issues into your own hands.
       It is not member's’ responsibility to inform others that they
       have broken rules. Similarly, it is not up to members to
       “interrogate” others to see if they are breaking rules or intend
       8 ) Messaging - Please do not private message your general
       animal care questions to moderators or members. Questions like
       these should be posted on the forum so others can have access to
       sharing and reading information.
       9) Keep signatures small - Signatures and banners should be kept
       fairly small to be considerate of those on small screens and
       other devices. If your signature is considerably larger than
       this, it may be deleted or you will be asked to re-size it.
       10) No trolling. This should be gone without saying. Trolling
       fits under the category of pretending not to know what type of
       forum this is (MICE!), swearing, making inappropriate posts,
       Acknowledgements: This page of easy-to-understand forum rules
       and guidelines has been put together by Taxonomist and tbiM20 of
       the Hamster Hideout Forum moderator team, all credit goes to
       This page will be updated from time to time, by Mouse Maniac
       Administrators only.