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       #Post#: 228--------------------------------------------------
       can i use my hamsters items for mice
       By: Peanut+Smudge4Ever Date: February 26, 2017, 5:11 pm
       I have a bunch of small pet products that i have used with my
       past hamsters, are there any hamster illnesses that can be
       pasted to mice? If so what are they and how can they be
       #Post#: 243--------------------------------------------------
       Re: can i use my hamsters items for mice
       By: Cynical_Mouse Date: February 26, 2017, 8:00 pm
       If your hamster passed on due to illness, I wouldn't recommend
       reusing the wooden toys simply due to the fact that wood is
       porous and really cannot be cleaned. Plastic toys can be rinsed
       and scrubbed with hot water and mild, non-scented, mouse safe
       soaps. Reusing wooden toys is a huge debate in the small pet
       community with some feeling that after a few months of the toys
       being unused, most of the dangers have passed, whilst others
       feel it's better safe than sorry and just throw them away. I
       personally reuse wooden items and I simply let them sit out for
       a few months before giving them to the new animal. Best wishes