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       #Post#: 231--------------------------------------------------
       By: Peanut+Smudge4Ever Date: February 26, 2017, 5:50 pm
       Hey peeps! I found this website through The Hamster Hideout
       Forum XD, someone made a staus about it and I though ill come
       and check it out. Even though this forum is small, im still
       going to treat like a normal forum and ask questions and all
       that good stuff.
       I used to have two lovely hamsters named Smudge and Peanut, they
       pasted away not too long ago, but now im thinking about getting
       into mice, im not too sure about it though. But I would love to
       learn more about them. Its kinda hard to find youtubers that
       give out not outdated info about mice, so ill love to learn more
       Heres some things about me if you care to know XD
       I play trombone, ive been playing for a year and a half now and
       im quite good at it.
       I loves mall animals such as hamsters and mice
       Im obsessed with Warrior Cats!!!  :P
       I love to play pokemon, although im not as into it as i was when
       i was younger, i still love to play once in a while.
       And, Im Irish!!
       I think the forum has a lot of potential!!!!  :D
       As you can tell,  ::) XD I have rambled alot so im gonna go
       before i bore you all to death XD
       #Post#: 237--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hello!!
       By: ~WinterWhisker~ Date: February 26, 2017, 7:09 pm
       Hi there Smudge! I'm glad you joined, I hope to see you around!