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       #Post#: 239--------------------------------------------------
       Hello everyone
       By: Cynical_Mouse Date: February 26, 2017, 7:47 pm
       Hello everybody, I hope you're having a lovely day today! I am
       here to formally introduce myself to you all. I do not have any
       mice of my own currently, but I hope to acquire a pair or trio
       of females in the not too distant future. I am extremely
       interested in mice, their biology, psychology, and the proper
       husbandry and handling of them. I foster and work with mice on
       an occasional basis so I do have some experience with them :) I
       am owned by a whole menagerie of lovely little animals, many of
       which, are rodents! I hope on this site I can learn more about
       mice and maybe even teach a bit here and there! Thank you for